You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla
Guru Terath Singh is right, of course. That is why people like me are investing in keeping the teachings, the authenticity and the legacy alive. Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa (talk) 16:12, 13 April 2010 (UTC)
To Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa:
You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla in the room. The actions of YB’s students prove the result of Yogi Bhajan's corrupt teachings. In fact, Yogi Bhajan set up the insane power structure of the Unto Infinity Board which controls all of the 3HO finances. Yogi Bhajan installed five corrupt people who are not even Sikhs anymore and who control the Unto Infinity Board for life! Guru Terath Singh has so astutely alluded to Yogi Bhajan's folie and the danger of the truth coming out about Yogi Bhajan’s legacy. Signed Guru Sant Singh
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Complete thread:
- Discussions between Guru Fatah Singh & Guru Sant Singh - Gursant Singh, 2010-04-12, 16:25
- You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla - Gursant Singh, 2010-04-14, 01:08
- You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla - Gursant Singh, 2010-04-16, 13:08
- Um... hunh? - Jimmy ji, 2010-04-26, 18:19
- You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla - Gursant Singh, 2010-04-16, 13:08
- You seem to be overlooking the obvious 800 pound gorilla - Gursant Singh, 2010-04-14, 01:08