Newest Letter from Yogi Bhajan's Chief of Protocol: MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa which displays disdain for Sikhs of Punjabi ancestory

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, November 04, 2011, 22:47 (4822 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa brags to have been Yogi Bhajan’s closest aid; literally with Yogi Bhajan everyday between 1978 and 2004. Hari Jiwan shows the American Sikh community in a letter dated 11/4/2011 his complete disdain for Sikhs of Punjabi ancestry!

Yogi Bhajan, A Rant at the Parliament

Sat Nam Dear Family,

The Siri Singh Sahib granted me another gift at the “Parliament of World Religions” which was held in Chicago in November of 1993. This was the Assembly where Swami Vivekananda entered America with a big splash in 1893. He was considered the key figure in the introduction of yoga and eastern thinking to the west. Now, on this occasion, 8,000 people from all over the world and from many diverse religions, gathered to celebrate, discuss and explore how religious traditions could work together on the critical issues which confronted the world. All the leaders, supposed leaders, want-to-be leaders, and pretenders were there. It was a big deal.

He knew that this assembly was a venue which was to be heard by many and, maybe, change the way things were. He wanted to make a show. He planned and prepared for weeks. He played all the games. That’s right folks; even this was a political, money, power, and social, game: Everything is not always as it’s presented, and religion is no exception to this rule. .

Off we went to Chicago. I didn’t know what to expect. But, the Master knew what to expect. He knew that he was too much for this crowd. His mere presence challenged their needs. So, his participation was a battle from the beginning. The Master was into expansion. Staying the same was never enough. For him, the “Parliament of World Religions,” political as it was, was a place to expand an audience for his message. The assembly hoped their collective message would be heard by the world. Since this was a gathering of “all religions,” statements made were impactful. So, it was a forum in which the Siri Singh Sahib could reach many more people. And his duty always was to reach out to as many people as possible.

On a personal note, the conference was being held in the Palmer House Hotel, a landmark hotel recently remodeled. I remember my father always stayed at this hotel when he traveled to Chicago on business. So visiting this familiar spot was very comfortable and rewarding. The Master had a suite on the 17th floor. This is where our group would gather.

Here’s what I learned from that experience. Almost everyone there was protecting their own turf. Like the world, they were more interested in not being challenged. Their goal was to shield or at least limit their flock and themselves from the truth of the Siri Singh Sahib’s message. The Master was direct and challenging. Most participants were more concerned with not losing power, status, money, etc. This was the battle he had to overcome to negate the misrepresentation being spread about us. At the time, much of the negativity came from some members of the Indian Sikh community in America. You can guess at all the rationales they had in trying to marginalize us and our Master.

Naturally, our group all wanted to represent the Siri Singh Sahib and ourselves properly and in the highest manner. There were many Indian Sikhs there presenting themselves as the true voice of Sikhism. Because of money and politics they were able to garner this false recognition. They fought against the Master’s involvement using every tactic available to discredit and disallow him from participating in this assembly in any shape or form. Their allies were the organizers of this event themselves. Together, they were formidable opponents and they brought the full force of condemnation to prevarication in defense of their position. The Master remained steadfast and unprovoked no matter how atrocious the lies. He wouldn’t let anything negate the small slot of time already given to him. There had even been a lot of pressure on him to not come. Naturally, he came and we joined in support.

As I would venture throughout the hotel, I would interact with all the religious people doing the same thing. It was an education and pure entertainment. Interacting with them was what I’ve been trained for. I enjoyed it.

There was one problem. Every time I’d run into an Indian Sikh, I’d feel accosted and tested. I was tested in the Indian custom so they could rationalize their superiority. Because I didn’t know all they knew, they could justify their rejection of me, our organization and the Siri Singh Sahib all at the same time. I didn’t like being there foil. I finally said to the Master, “Sir, I’ve run into a lot of Indian Sikhs. They’re very condescending. They all have asked me about parts and teachings and interpretations of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I follow you and you have taught me what the Guru says in my language. I don’t know theirs as intimately. What should I say so I don’t look like an idiot in their eyes and give them a chance to think they know better?” The Master spoke simple words of wisdom which would serve to shield my innocence and represent me and all I stood for in the highest honor. The Master replied, “Just tell them that they are much smarter than you, all you do is chant Wahe Guru.” The answer was so simple, so direct, and so accurate that no Sikh could deny its reality, humility, devotion and elevation.

I thought I’d try out my new ammunition. Almost as if I was watching a movie, as I ventured out, two Sikh gentlemen approached me in the lobby and spoke asking all their relevant questions. “Ji,” one of them said to me politely enough, “What about that part of the Siri Guru Grant which says...” And then he began to recite in Gurumukhi (the original language of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib) passages from the Guru. I did not speak or understand this language. I looked at him straight in the eyes and began to recite what the Master had taught me to say without really knowing how it would turn out. “Oh,” is said, “You’re much smarter than I am about such things, all I do is chant Wahe Guru.” I was shocked. After I said what I was instructed to say, these two Sikh gentlemen faded before my eyes. I mean it was like I shot a psychic dart straight to their “got yea” button and crumbled their ego on the spot. Both Sikh gentlemen immediately slumped over; eyes drooped, and looked humiliated. It was a fair way of combating the Master’s battle and winning. I can’t say it wasn’t fun. It was the power of the psychic dart which was beyond my control and, thus, a gift from the Master. The word spread and no one bothered to question me the rest of the conference. I saw, again, that with our Master’s help, I could represent him very well and really enjoy the process. He taught me that a Sikh warrior always has tools available when necessary. That was a very comforting awareness.

So, for me, the “Parliament of World Religions” was a great experience. For our Master, it was what it was; “just another day at the office.” He continued to reach out to whoever could hear. That meant always expanding to explore whatever opportunities came his way. He was doing his duty and spreading the Guru’s teachings in any way possible. Here’s what he would say to those who would be able to hear but were shielded from his message. He’d say to those who could benefit, “There is a better life and it’s not far away. It’s now available. It turns hopes and dreams into reality through grace. I further declare that I will teach and serve you only in keeping with our Guru’s teachings. You may or may not like what is required of you at the time, that’s not my problem. Nevertheless, I will serve you in ways which are not apparent and not in your awareness. I will confront you, but I do it for your good. And, in the end, your life will be elevated through the process.” Yes, there were many then and are many now who would love to hear this message. Stay Tuned

In Service with Humility and Gratitude,

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

MSS Hari Jiwan ~"He (Yogi Bhajn) taught us that a Sikh warrior always has tools available when necessary." Including a battery of plastic weaponry i.e. Discover, VISA,MC and AMEX which are indispensable when ordering the Tourmaline Tantric Necklace for $595 (does not include S&H).

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