SikhNet tries to induct young Sikhs into Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult with Kundalini Yoga at Khalsa Camp!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Tuesday, August 06, 2013, 21:10 (4236 days ago)

SikhNet tries to induct Sikhs into Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult with Kundalini Yoga at Khalsa Camp!

In the image above you'll see on of Yogi Bhajan's tantric drawings superimposed over a advertisement for his tantric yoga class

Confront Yogi Bhajan followers & SikhNet at Khalsa Camp Yuba City with tough questions!

Letter from Yogi Bhajan's Secretary of religion Sat-Kaur Khalsa, to all Yogi Bhajan "Sikh Dharma ministers"

"The Sikh Dharma Ministry in The Aquarian Age"

Yogi Bhajan's Secretary of religion Sat-Kaur Khalsa, reveals in a letter to Yogi Bhajan's "Sikh Dharma ministers" how 3HO's "Kundalini Yoga is sacred and transformational rather then an exercise class?". Sat-Kaur equats the practice of Bhajan's Kundalini yoga with a "sacred" religious "practice" when she tells her "Sikh Dharma Ministers", "What are we doing to foster those teachings(Yogi Bhajan's teachings or as 3HOers call him Siri Singh Sahib),share them, teach them, and uplift those with whom we interact?"

Is this proof that Yogi Bhajan's "ministers" only want to induct innocent young Sikhs & yoga students into their Yogi Bhajan cult?

In my experience,the Yogi Bhajan way of smashing everyone into altered states by piling on more and more exercises, meditations and perhaps a gong meditation leaves people spacey and prone to induction into his cult. That's probably why he (Yogi Bhajan) did it and why Kundalini Yoga teachers keep on doing it. The heavy breathing (breath of fire as Yogi Bhajan called it) techniques, loud gong sounds ringing in your ears and hours of Yogi Bhajan mantra chanting, sometimes in front of his picture, put unsuspecting people into an almost trance like state, making students more susceptible to induction into the Yogi Bhajan cult. Yogi Bhajan would have us hold our arms up for hours in some "kriya" he made up. We were so exhausted after several hours that we'd believe or accept anything Yogi Bhajan said.

Gursant Singh's " Confessions of an American Sikh " provides an inside look into the life of one American Sikh. Born into a white Christian family, Singh converted to Sikhism in his twenties and devoted nearly three decades to a cult lead by Yogi Bhajan. Then, while traveling in India, he learned the true practice of Eastern Sikhism. only 0.99 cents on Amazon Kindle Books

Cult expert Rick Ross cautions: "..if you see some guru's picture on the wall, or religious statues in the entrance area or practice room, something more than yoga might be lurking within the instruction...A group with a hidden agenda can use meditation to download its program" (

Dr. Trilochan Singh, a respected Sikh scholar and historian recorded Yogi Bhajan's true agenda being to induct people into his Tantric/Kundalini yoga cult way back in 1977 when he writes, " The closed door talks which lasted for about three hours can be summed up thus: (1) Yogi Bhajan was absolutely frank in what he said and I believe every word of it. I asked him Is Sikhism the core of his teachings of Tantric Yoga? Which of these two contradictory disciplines is his basic philosophy? To this question he perhaps honestly replied that Tantra (White as he calls it) is his basic faith while Sikhism is only an off-shoot of his Tantric system. The reason he gave was that he believed Sikhism has no meditation techniques. I told him that Sikhism has more specific, fruitful, and spiritually exalting techniques of meditation, but his misfortune is that he has never studied Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and never cared to live according to Sikh Discipline."

Hear the complete audio reading of Dr. Trilochan Singh's classic book:

If Yogi Bhajan followers really would analyze the odds, traditional Sikhi offers the best "bet" here in my humble opinion. If you ask me, Bhajanists are taking a huge risk & gamble betting their lives into infinity on a horse like YB that has a poor track record to say the least.

Are Yogi Bhajan followers so cowardly on facing questions from Sikhs, they feel it necessary to call the Sheriff to stop all questions about SikhNet's tantric / kundalini yoga practices and idol worship which are against the Sikh code of conduct?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, August 09, 2013, 02:49 (4234 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

I had an interesting conversation with my local Sheriff here in Yuba City today after he received a call from Yogi Bhajan followers. It seems some Yogi Bhajan followers who are sponsoring the Khalsa Youth Camp in Yuba City, sent pictures from my facebook page to the Sutter County Sheriff which show me (Gursant Singh) shooting a match rifle, implying that I am a threat to Yogi Bhajan's Khalsa youth Camp.

Why are Yogi Bhajan followers & SikhNet so afraid of questions from Gursikhs about their tantric / kundalini yoga practices?

The Sheriff and I had a good talk for about an hour on the phone and he saw nothing wrong with my statements on Youtube and facebook (links attached):

The videos and event I created say that I only want to confront the Yogi Bhajan followers with "tuff questions" about why SikhNet is misrepresenting the Sikh religion at the Khalsa Youth Camp here in Yuba City.

This cowardice reminds me when Dr. Trilochan Singh describes Yogi Bhajan's cowardly behavior in 1970 when faced with Sikhs who wanted to confront him in a film of the first India trip which Bhajanists have hid now from public view, "She (Nirlep Kaur) said, "All Americans were most welcome to study scriptures and our way of life. He (Yogi Bhajan) does not let us talk to them. And now he has taken protection of the police. If he is a yogi and a guru he should move about fearlessly. He talks about astrology, Aquarian Age, Capricorn and other nonsense which has no place in Sikhism." Someone reports to Nirlep Kaur that people are insulting Yogi Bhajan everywhere and he has strong police protection. Nirlep Kaur jubilantly remarks, "I have great faith in God. God will certainly humble him. Sooner or later He will humble him."

In the film (film from 1970 where Yogi Bhajan took 84 Americans to India only to have 80 leave him) Yogi Bhajan is seen standing near his bus, surrounded by armed police.

The Americans are confused and dazed. The only persons I could recognize were Premka standing loyally near Yogi Bhajan, Baba Don and his wife, and the sad and sensitive Krishna (Black) who stood bear-headed utterly bewildered. She is an outstanding musician and like Vikram Singh has impressed the Sikhs of the U.S.A. with her Kirtan. So men are openly professing their bitterness, but they find themselves in a very ugly situation created only by Yogi Bhajan's odd behavior and character."

From "Sikhism & Tantric Yoga" chapter titled "Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles"

Reading of "Sikhism & Tantric Yoga" : a critical look at Yogi Bhajan's tantric / kundalini yoga

To SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan cult: I have a license to carry a handgun but that's no reason to call the Sheriff & keep me from attending your Khalsa Camp in Yuba City

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, August 09, 2013, 13:52 (4234 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

To SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan cult: I have a license to carry a handgun but that's no reason to call the Sheriff & keep me from attending your Khalsa Camp in Yuba City.

I think SikhNet just doesn't want to answer the tough questions I was going to ask about their master, Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga:

Fourteen Points & tough questions for Sikhs to ask SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan kundalini yoga followers at Khalsa Camp in Yuba City

Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa || Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh ||
The following is a list of statements, all of which are
true. After you read each statement ask yourself the
question: "Who has distorted Sikhi?"

1. Yogi Bhajan taught that you had to make a
connection with a living spiritual teacher.

2. Yogi Bhajan taught that you should meditate on his

3. Yogi Bhajan taught that the reason that Sikhs wear
turbans is to adjust the plates in your skull and thus
regulate your electro-magnetic energy.

4. Yogi Bhajan taught that the reason that Sikhs wear
Kacha is that the pressure of the Kachcha on your
thighs stimulates your liver.

5. Yogi Bhajan taught that you should have a photo of
the golden idol of Sri Chand, that is outside the
Gurdwara in Espanola, in your home.

6. Yogi Bhajan taught that chanting certain Shabads
bring certain results:

a. Mayraa Man Lochai Gur Darshan Taa-ee: This
brings prosperity, multified a thousand-fold squared.

b. The Twenty-Ninth Pauree of Jap Ji: This protects you
from your enemies by simply vaporizing those who
wish you harm.

c. The Twenty-Second Pauree of Jap Ji: This brings you
victory in legal battles.

d. The Thirteenth Pauree of Jap Ji: This gives you the
occult knowledge of infinity.

e. The Twenty-Fifth Pauree of Jap Ji: All your needs
are pre-fulfilled. Prosperity, virtue, estate, and wealth
are yours without asking.

7. Yogi Bhajan taught that Gurmukhi is a magical,
mystical language in that by chanting, reciting, or
singing, your tongue is pressing on certain pressure
points in your upper palate and thus certain glands in
your brain are stimulated to secrete hormones, resulting
in a kundalini high.

8. Yogi Bhajan taught that Anand Sahib was the
ultimate kundalini experience because for each 5
Paurees, your kundalini would pass through a
corresponding chakra. 40 Paurees divided by 5 equals
the 8 chakras. This also holds true for Jap Ji.

9. Yogi Bhajan taught that abortion was all right if it
was done before the 120th day, when the soul entered
the womb.

10. Yogi Bhajan taught that you could be liberated in
40 days if you practiced kundalini yoga.

11. Yogi Bhajan taught that he would take on all the
karma of his students and that the reason that he was so
sick was that his students had a lot of bad karma.

12. Yogi Bhajan taught he should name everyone, not
by consulting the Guru, but by using astrology and

13. Yogi Bhajan taught that he could read auras and
even read your destiny.

14. Yogi Bhajan taught that when he died, only his
physical body would be gone. His soul would then
reside in his subtle body which would hover over his
students, while he still taught and led tantric. To his
students he would not be dead but immortal.

This is only a sample of what Yogi Bhajan taught.
After reading the above statements, again ask yourself:
"Who has distorted Sikhi?"

Dr. Trilochan Singh, a respected Sikh scholar and historian recorded Yogi Bhajan's true agenda being to induct people into his Tantric/Kundalini yoga cult way back in 1977 when he writes, " The closed door talks which lasted for about three hours can be summed up thus: (1) Yogi Bhajan was absolutely frank in what he said and I believe every word of it. I asked him Is Sikhism the core of his teachings of Tantric Yoga? Which of these two contradictory disciplines is his basic philosophy? To this question he perhaps honestly replied that Tantra (White as he calls it) is his basic faith while Sikhism is only an off-shoot of his Tantric system. The reason he gave was that he believed Sikhism has no meditation techniques. I told him that Sikhism has more specific, fruitful, and spiritually exalting techniques of meditation, but his misfortune is that he has never studied Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and never cared to live according to Sikh Discipline."

Hear the complete audio reading of Dr. Trilochan Singh's classic book:

If Yogi Bhajan followers really would analyze the odds, traditional Sikhi offers the best "bet" here in my humble opinion. If you ask me, Bhajanists are taking a huge risk & gamble betting their lives into infinity on a horse like YB that has a poor track record to say the least.

SikhNet tries to induct young Sikhs into Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult with Kundalini Yoga at Khalsa Camp!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Monday, September 30, 2013, 15:41 (4182 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

All the allegations against SikhNet & Sikh Net guru, Yogi Bhajan & their tantric / kundalini yoga have merit when you understand how the tantric yogis of India work. Just read the eye-opening revelations about how tantric yoga leads to debauchery when the kundalini sexual energy is activated: "Sexual devotion to the guru usually follow such communes. “[Godmen] have in them an insatiable need to have sex because they practice yoga, which activates their kundalis—the centres of their consciousness,” says one of the Sharmas."


View these videos for more evidence:

"Does Yogi Bhajan's " Penis Art " provide evidence of Shiva & Shakti cult worship in YB's 3HO?"

"Sikhs respond to SikhNet's anti-Gurmat article "5 Things Brown Girls Can Learn From Miss America""

SikhNet's Yogi Bhajan "Bowing Jaap Sahib" is anti- Sikh & promotes Shiva / Shakti tantric yoga practices!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, October 09, 2013, 03:07 (4173 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

SikhNet's Yogi Bhajan "Bowing Jaap Sahib" is anti- Sikh & promotes Shiva / Shakti tantric yoga practices!


Sikhs shouldn't be fooled by Yogi Bhajan's false anti- Sikh kundalini yoga teachings! These tantric yogas of frantically bowing while reciting Jaap Sahib were designed by Yogi Bhajan only to give the practitioner man-made "power" & sexual energy".

If Guru Gobind Singh Ji had wanted his Sikhs to practice this yoga bowing manmat rubbish, he would have told us so. After participating in this kind of man-made tantric yoga for 30 years that Yogi Bhajan preached , Guru Sahib showed me that Yogi Bhajan only wanted power & money.

Dr. Trilochan Singh wrote a great book about Yogi Bhajan and his corrupt practices which was a real eye-opener for me & I encourage all to read it very carefully. You may view this video where I read the entire book from cover to cover or you may download the book for free at my website:

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book as a pdf):

Also please read my book which gives a lot of info about Bhajan and his false teachings too: Gursant Singh's " Confessions of an American Sikh " provides an inside look into the life of one American Sikh. Born into a white Christian family, Singh converted to Sikhism in his twenties and devoted nearly three decades to a cult lead by Yogi Bhajan. Then, while traveling in India, he learned the true practice of Eastern Sikhism. only 0.99 cents on Amazon Kindle Books

SikhNet's shocking ties to Yogi Bhajan's tantric / kundalini yoga cult & violations of the Sikh Reht

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, October 19, 2013, 13:57 (4163 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

SikhNet's shocking ties to Yogi Bhajan's tantric / kundalini yoga cult & violations of the Sikh Reht


There are no limits to the insults by the depraved Yogi Bhajan cult against the Sikh Religion. The latest affront is how the SikhNet Yogi Bhajan 3HO kundalini yoga cult blatantly violates the Sikh code of conduct (Sikh Reht) by wearing & selling "gemstones to offset negative effects in astrological charts".

It is forbidden in the Sikh Reht Maryada for Sikhs to practice: “Influence of stars, Magic spells, incantations, omens, auspicious times, days & occasions, horoscopic dispositions,” Chapter X Article XVI. Why do these 3HO Kundalini Yogis who control Yogi's "Sikh Dharma" & 3HO promote this sacrilegious rubbish? Because it makes them piles of money!! "New Age'ers" who practice yoga asanas in America want to believe in Magic and an easy way to salvation.

Another recent incident by Yogi Bhajan cult members of eating a cake in the image of Guru Ram Dass Ji shows extreme disrespect for the Sikh religion. We have chronicled the previous insults that have been offered against the Sikh Gurus and the Sikh Religion by SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan's 3HO cult. They have been pictured doing yoga in the darbar of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with their backs turned to The Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. They call their ‘Gurdwaras’ ashrams. They practice fire ceremonies with Hindu idols & gods. They have a large picture of The Virgin Mary with the Sikh Gurus as a rosary around her. Some of our Sikh Gurus are at her feet. They sell Sikh names, they sell magic amulets and they make their living selling Tantric Yoga. A yoga to release the serpent coiled around the phallus (‘The Kundalini’). They are giving Sikhs a very bad name. They don’t care that they are offending the conscience of devout Sikhs. They make their daily living selling a perverted form of Sikhism. They have no other form of livelihood other than squeezing money out of the Sikh religion. There is something terribly wrong with them.

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously." Dr. Trilochan Singh from his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977 a critical look at Yogi Bhajan's tantric / kundalini yoga.
available as an audio book at or as a free pdf at

Shame on SikhNet for publishing an article encouraging female Sikhs to glorify their flesh & stoop to participate in western debauchery! Sikh girls should be focused on learning Gurbani, getting a good education, and learning self defense with firearms, NOT learning from Miss America how to display their naked bodies so they can be sexually exploited.

See the SikhNet article for this evidence:
"5 Things Brown Girls Can Learn From Miss America"

Promotion of this sexual American beauty contest for women is just more evidence that SikhNet and Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga cult want to subsume Sikhi into the depraved practices of the tantric Hindu sex yogis! "SikhNet Secret Agenda: Subsume Sikhi into Hinduism by distracting youth with tantric sex cult yoga!"

CBS News TV reports on Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga being taught at Sikh youth camp in Yuba City

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