How would you interpret newly uncovered Yogi Bhajan Phallus Tantric Drawings?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 15:11 (3866 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Question for SikhNet : How can your "master" Yogi Bhajan be labeling a drawing as "God" and trying to depict a phallus as "God" when Guru Gobind Singh Ji tells us in Jaap Sahib that, "God hast no form or feature, No caste or lineage; None can describe God's appearance, Colour, mark or garb." The glories sung by Guru Sahib revolve around the following attributes of God: God is metaphysical , beyond time, Eternal, Unborn, Uncreated, Self-existent, and without form, feature, color or contour. Therefore, neither can God be described or depicted, nor can anyone make an image or idols of that which is undefinable. See for yourself in this video newly uncovered Yogi Bhajan drawings and decide if they are the artwork of a Sikh who believes in one God or the visual depictions of an egomaniac tantric yogi who only wanted power & sex while being worshiped in life and death by his followers!


A Yogi Bhajan student said to me on fb "If the great Yogi Bhajan lied about the origins of Kundalini Yoga AWESOME....! "

Gursant Singh's response: Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh "How in the world can you say Bhajan's lies are "AWESOME"! Yogi Bhajan betrayed my trust and all those thousands of yoga students who sought a true spiritual path. When I was in 3HO for 30 years, I thought I was following the ancient and mystical form of the Sikh religion by practicing Bhajan's tantric / Kundalini yoga when in fact YB's tantric / Kundalini yoga has nothing to do with the Sikh religion. The Sikh Gurus never taught or practiced Kundalini yoga or tantric yoga in any form and there was a reason for that as authentic Sikhism has much better forms of meditation than Yogi Bhajan's synthetic way of smashing everyone into altered states by piling on more and more exercises, Bhajan's made-up meditations and perhaps a gong session leave people spacey and prone to induction into his cult. Yogi Bhajan is a fraud and a traitor to his students and all Sikhs alike!

Read the books that Yogi Bhajan's organizations & SikhNet censor & don't want their kundalini yoga students to read !!

Best Book About Yogi Bhajan on the Market, January 3, 2013
By Scott Free -- This review is from: Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a "New Age" tantric yoga cult! (Paperback) & (Kindle only 0.99 cents)

Gursant Singh's recounting of his passage to India and out of a corrupt yoga empire is as enjoyable as it is compelling. This is a story of exploitation — Gursant's victimization by his fraudulent master, Yogi Bhajan, and his own demoralizing work running scams to prop up the yogi's luxurious lifestyle. It's a quick-paced adventure that describes the ersatz Sikh lifestyle dumped on a clutch of white Americans and the peculiar dangers of the Indian bride trade.

The next book is really a scholarly report or paper: FROM MAHRAJ TO MAHAN TANTRIC The construction of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga, Philip Deslippe from UC Santa Barbara says "Those closest to Yogi Bhajan and Maharaj Virsa Singh recount him telling the group of students in front of Yogi Bhajan that he (Maharaj Virsa Singh) never taught anyone yoga and that yoga had nothing to do with Sikhism", proving that Yogi Bhajan only dumped Virsa Singh as his guru and mentor because Virsa Singh refused to accept Yogi Bhajan's hodgepodge of Kundalini Yoga asanas.

Philip Deslippe's conclusions can further be summed up thus: "Without the lineage (to kundalini yoga) that he (Yogi Bhajan) claimed and without creating Kundalini Yoga out of whole cloth, Yogi Bhajan is best thought of as neither a lineage holder nor an inventor, but as a bricoleur (a mix of this and that) who brought together elements of different practices and presented them to his students as a distinct entity with a romantic mythology surrounding it."
Dr. Philip Deslippe also notes Yogi Bhajan's continuing frauds with the fact that Bhajan spread the myth that the Sikh Gurus practiced and taught Kundalini Yoga! This fraud by Yogi Bhajan is "Like a small restaurant that places mirrors on opposing walls to create the appearance of depth, it is from the singular person of Yogi Bhajan that all information about the lineage and practice of his Kundalini Yoga originates." Page 383 Note #3 "Some of the many instances in which Yogi Bhajan asserted that the historical Sikh Gurus practiced the same Kundalini Yoga that he taught include classes on 10 June 1971, and 12 January 1976, and undated Kundalini Yoga exercises such as "Indra Nittra Meditation' and Ong In Virasan (For Negativity)'. In the summer of 1976, an article was written in Kundalini Quarterly by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa and Rama Kirn that claimed that not only did the Sikh Gurus practice Kundalini Yoga, but also the very yogic practice predated them and 'gave rise to a group of practitioners known as Sikhs'."
The final book is Dr. Trilochan Singh's book from 1977 which is a very good critical analysis of Yogi Bhajan and his practices. The book was a real eye-opener for me! You can download the book for free at:

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