New sign at SikhNet office: "NO GUNS" includes Sikhs! Yogi Bhajan's dera bans guns for self defense!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 19:38 (4168 days ago)

New sign at SikhNet claims to be "Home of the Khalsa" but infers the "Khalsa" may Not carry Guns or weapons on SikhNet "private property" even though Guru Gobind Singh Ji commanded his Sikhs to carry the most portable and deadly weapons available, therefore why are SikhNet & the Yogi Bhajan cult forbidding Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Khalsa from openly carrying handguns when it is completely legal in New Mexico to do so? "Without uncut hair and weapons do not come before me" ~ Guru Gobind Singh



ਸ਼ਸਤਰ ਹੀਨ ਕਬਹੂ ਨਹਿ ਹੋਈ, ਰਿਹਤਵੰਤ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਸੋਈ ॥

Those who never depart his/her weapons, they are the Khalsa with excellent rehats.

— Rehatnama Bhai Desa Sahib Singh

Ironically SikhNet has 24/7 armed security guards from Akal Security which patrol their ashram and Yogi Bhajan himself had security which carried loaded handguns all the time! Is SikhNet's Yogi Bhajan cult secretly arming while hoping orthodox Sikhs are eliminated?

The American public needs to know that all Sikhs carry handguns & will use firearms for self defense

Call or write Gursant Singh with questions and requests for help with individual or group training at your Gurdwaras on the use of handguns and rifles for self-defense and security.
Ph 505 903 2675 or write

Yogi Bhajan's cult also states "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and to request that persons leave and refrain from returning." Yogi Bhajan cult leaders told me to leave & not return to their Peace Prayer Day because of my social media posts which openly criticize Yogi Bhajan and his tantric Yoga.

Gursant Singh, a Sikh , ejected from 3HO's "Peace Prayer Day" by Yogi Bhajan's 3HO cult !

My visit to SikhNet's home & Yogi Bhajan's "Hacienda De Guru Ram Das Ashram" in Espanola..

Attacks On Sikhs In America : Every Sikh Needs To Be Armed ਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਅਮਰੀਕਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਮਲੇ ਹਥਿਆਰ ਰੱਖੋ

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, September 27, 2013, 22:04 (4157 days ago) @ Gursant Singh
edited by Gursant Singh, Friday, September 27, 2013, 22:14

Attacks On Sikhs In America : Every Sikh Needs To Be Armed ਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਅਮਰੀਕਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਮਲੇ ਹਥਿਆਰ ਰੱਖੋ


Call or write Gursant Singh with questions and requests for help with individual or group training at your Gurdwaras on the use of hand guns and rifles for self-defense and security.
Ph 505 903 2675 or write
What will it take for Sikhs to start self-defense training with firearms after still another attack on a Sikh man in California yesterday?

In response to a brutal attack on a Sikh man yesterday, all Sikhs need concealed weapons permits & self defense training with a hand gun & assault rifles to stop hate attacks!

Guru Gobind Singh Ji commanded his Sikhs to carry the most portable and deadly weapons available, therefore why wouldn't it be incumbent on Sikhs to carry handguns in today's modern society where we face attackers and hate mongers who would destroy us like the Moghuls and Hindu Rajas of old?
"When all other means have failed, it is but lawful to take to the sword." "Without uncut hair and weapons do not come before me" ~ Guru Gobind Singh

ਸ਼ਸਤਰ ਹੀਨ ਕਬਹੂ ਨਹਿ ਹੋਈ, ਰਿਹਤਵੰਤ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਸੋਈ ॥

Those who never depart his/her weapons, they are the Khalsa with excellent rehats.

— Rehatnama Bhai Desa Sahib Singh

Join the Sikh Shooting Team USA.
My idea is to start a Sikh shooting team and eventually travel to Gurdwaras around the world to teach marksmanship & self-defense to Singhs & Kaurs. Specifically, air rifles are a good way to start learning riflery & marksmanship.

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