Yogi Bhajan commands Kudrat Kaur Khalsa, to "visit" the Hanuman Hindu temple in Taos New Mexico!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, June 27, 2015, 17:43 (3520 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Monday, June 29, 2015, 14:21

More SikhNet & 3HO Fondation Hinduvata RSS ties were revealed today with a confession from long-time Yogi Bhajan cult follower, Kudrat Kaur Khalsa that the Yogi commanded her to "visit" the Hanuman Hindu temple in Taos New Mexico every week! Kudrat Kaur Khalsa is the mother of Chardikala Jatha member Jagat Guru Singh Khalsa and also the Executive Principal of Miri Piri Academy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJGmC-yQTLE


Proof has surfaced that Yogi Bhajan commanded Kudrat Kaur Khalsa, the mother of Chardikala Jatha member Jagat Guru Singh Khalsa to "visit" the Hanuman Hindu temple in Taos New Mexico ( Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos, New Mexico ). Kudrat Kaur stated in a Facebook post, “Many years ago Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) requested that I visit the Hanuman Temple on Thursday each month in Toas NM. I always took $108 and a bunch of bananas…” Kudrat Kaur goes on to say, "…I spent time with the spirit of Hanuman. Great Day!" Hanuman is the Hindu monkey god of "supernatural prowess". According to Hindus, Thursdays are auspicious for conducting Pujas.
Kudrat Kaur's son, Jagat Guru Singh Khalsa is not only a Chardikala Jatha member but he is also the Executive Principal of Miri Piri Academy. Sikh parents should ask themselves if they want a principle guiding their children whose mother worships regularly at a Hindu Hanuman temple! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJGmC-yQTLE



•A Sikh’s worship should be rendered only to the One Timeless Being and to no god or goddess.
"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".
"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji
EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y26B8Y51ZJo

Here is a link to Kudrat Kaur's fb page but you won't see these pictures of her & her husband at the Hanuman Temple that are posted below as Kudrat Kaur has only made the photos available to her friends as no doubt she does not want Sikhs to see her un Sikh like practices or the fact that Yogi Bhajan commanded her to "spend time with the spirit of Hanuman" every Thursday at this Hanuman Hindu temple in Taos New Mexico (Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos, New Mexico)

Here is a link to the Chardikala Jatha where you can see Kudrat Kaur's son Jagat Guru Singh Khalsa, on the far left of the photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=118077461596934&set=a.118077458263601.19516.100001840427190&type=1&theater

Here is a link to the Hanuman Hindu temple in Taos New Mexico (Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos, New Mexico) https://www.facebook.com/www.nkbashram.org

Here is a link to a SikhNet interview with Jagat Guru Singh Khalsa, Executive Principal of Miri Piri Academy

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