3HO member claims succession to Yogi Bhajan as the new "Mahan Tantric"!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, July 08, 2015, 15:06 (3509 days ago)

Does Kundalini Yoga cause delusions of religious grandeur? A 3HO Foundation​ member is now claiming succession to Yogi Bhajan as the "Mahan Tantric"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=111EvLILPW4

Speaking with delusions of religious grandiosity in front of a painting depicting the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) & the ten Sikh Gurus, Harsimranpreet Kaur (Mahan Tantric Yoga​) says, "I became the Mahan tantric in 2014. I started working with the white tantric facilitators and with the guidance of Guru Dev Snr​. It is time now for me to personally take over the responsibilities of the Mahan Tantric..."

[image] [image]

Does Kundalini Yoga cause delusions of religious grandeur?
by Gursant Singh​ ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 19:56 http://www.gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=343

Recently I’ve had a unique opportunity to meet with leading Psychiatry Medical Doctors over the last year or so. I have to thank my wife who being a Psychiatrist here in London has made this interaction with such experts in the field of Psychiatry possible.

Did Yogi Bhajan exhibit delusions of religious grandeur? During my 30 years with Yogi Bhajan and his Kundalini/tantric Yoga cult, Yogi Bhajan continually told us how we (White 3HO Sikhs) would lead humanity into some kind of “Blissful Aquarian Age”! We certainly had delusions that Yogi Bhajan would be remembered as the great “guru” who gave us Kundalini Yogic power to lead the world.

Find more discussion on my facebook page.

The conclusion I reached from my conversations with these mental health experts was that Kundalini Yoga practitioners develop psychotic behavior with delusions of religious grandeur which seem to get worse and worse as the length of time practicing KY becomes greater. For example, People like Guruka Singh and Hari Jiwan Singh who have practiced Kundalini Yoga for 40 years make more outrageous delusional statements than a novice KY Teacher Trainer practicing Kundalini Yoga.

If you watch the videos of Guruka Singh and Gurmukh Kaur you’ll readily see how they appear to be almost in some kind of hypnotic trance, they just don’t sound like normal well balanced people. Does Kundalini Yoga create delusions about “Magic Aquarian Age energy" beaming down from Jupiter to instill yogic superpowers solely in Yogi Bhajan devotees so they can lead humanity into some kind of “Blissful Aquarian Age”?

Guruka Singh of SikhNet at Sikh Missionary Society in Southhall UK promoting Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga.Cult expert Rick Ross cautions: "..if you see some guru's picture on the wall, or religious statues in the entrance area or practice room, something more than yoga might be lurking within the instruction...A group with a hidden agenda can use meditation to download its program"

I submit that Kundalini Yoga is like an addictive drug which may seem to help people out of their depression and alcohol addictions but after time it acts in producing mental and physical side effects. Kundalini Yoga practitioners develop psychotic delusions about "Magic Aquarian Age energy" beaming down from the stars. These Yogi Bhajan cult followers then fantasize they’re super heroes leading and liberating all those who do Kundalini yoga into some kind of “New Age of Enlightenment”!
See this video of Gurmukh kaur Khalsa "Liberation Kriya" which shows clear delusional behavior. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2RCNS1qvb8&feature=share


In my experience,the Yogi Bhajan way of smashing everyone into altered states by piling on more and more exercises, meditations and perhaps a gong meditation leaves people spacey and prone to induction into his cult. That’s probably why he (Yogi Bhajan) did it and why Kundalini Yoga teachers keep on doing it. The heavy breathing (breath of fire as Yogi Bhajan called it) techniques, loud gong sounds ringing in your ears and hours of Yogi Bhajan mantra chanting, sometimes in front of his picture, put unsuspecting people into an almost trance like state, making students more susceptible to induction into the Yogi Bhajan cult. Yogi Bhajan would have us hold our arms up for hours in some “kriya” he made up. We were so exhausted after several hours that we’d believe or accept anything Yogi Bhajan said. http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=317

Yesterday I was talking with a UK Medical Doctor about Kundalini Yoga and its effects on the human body. The Doctor explained how any exercise will make you feel happy with a sense of well-being because endorphins, namely adrenaline and nor-adrenaline, are released by the brain during heavy exercise. Doctors call these “Happy Hormones”. When Kundalini yoga practitioners say they experience an exalted sense of well-being they are merely feeling the effects of these “Happy Hormones” which are released by the brain after running or any other heavy exercise.

I ask SikhNet's Guruka Singh, "Why risk the many physical, mental and spiritual side effects of Kundalini Yoga when you can get the same benefits from other sports activities?"

Another serious side effect seems to show up in the large amount of criminal activity by Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga devotees. See these links for details:


As a practicing Sikh, I can now clearly see why the Sikh Gurus NEVER taught Kundalini or Tantric Yoga and there was a definite reason for it!! Traditional Sikh faith offers a complete spiritual path and a complete way of living a human life through recitation of Gurbani and meditating on the name of God.

Yogi Bhajan drastically diverted from the teachings of the Sikh Gurus with his clap trap theories of Kundalini and tantric Yoga and now he and those who practice under Yogi are suffering for it!

Dr. Trilochan Singh, an eminent Sikh scholar and historian, after spending many months with Yogi Bhajan, revealed Yogi Bhajan’s delusions of religious grandeur as early as 1977 with his book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga”; “He (Yogi Bhajan) sincerely believes that he can fool the ignorant American Sikhs to believe that he is the Super-Messiah of the Age, and they at least must believe that he is greater than the Sikh Gurus, and he has done what the Sikh Gurus were unable to do. We will study in detail how he (Yogi Bhajan) has built himself as the Western Pope of the Sikhs, the only Mahan Tantric in the World, and perhaps the only person who could tell so many lies about himself and make every American follower of his believe it.” http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?mode=page&id=1

Review the quotations given below from Yogi Bhajan’s lectures and read recent statements along with reviewing videos produced by Yogi Bhajan’s 3HO Kundalini Yoga disciples and decide for yourself if Kundalini Yoga produces delusions of grandeur.

Pritpal Kaur ~ "How do we use simple techniques(Kundalini Yoga)to take me quickly to my intuitive mind?" 3HOer for 40 years and lead Trainer for Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Research Institute, Pritpal Kaur is doing yoga & katcha mantras during the whole video with her back turned to Guru Sahib! She abruptly ends" with "OK" showing no respect for Wahe Guru! If this is not bad enough, She uses sacred symbols of the Sikh religion for profit & promotion of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga training nonsense. See 2:16 in the video. http://media.causes.com/1099087?s=c_feed

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa ~ Yogi Bhajan "Liberation Kriya" “Let’s channel energy from Jupiter to our moon centers”

Harijiwan Singh Khalsa who boasts attending more Tantric Yoga classes with Yogi Bhajan than anyone else; convicted of criminal fraud in US Federal Court~ “As the Master, Yogi Bhajan tells us: “The gong is God. So it is said; so it is.” Regular listening to the gong will re-pattern your magnetic field, open you to the vastness of your own psyche, and release you from all that prevents you from living a life of complete and utter happiness.” http://www.harijiwan.com/yoga.htm

Yogi Bhajan's Chief of Protocol: MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.The US Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan for misrepresenting value, appreciation and liquidity of gemstones~ "The Master(Yogi Bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011

Yogi Bhajan on the Sensory Human in the Aquarian Age: “The entire power of the human is its connection to the Universe through the psyche and the sixth sense. This is the basic point from where the Kundalini rises.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Guruka Singh~ "Kundalini Yoga is natural. Sikhs are yogis & don’t even know it". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6C8S5XPbVU

Guruka Singh~ “The Aquarian Age isn’t just something that we started singing about in the sixties! It’s an actual measurable time period. It is an astrological age, i.e., a time period that parallels major changes in the development of the human race. Each astrological age roughly corresponds to the time taken for the vernal equinox to move through one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. As I write this, we are now less than 1000 days away from the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius.” http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=339

Guru Singh~ "Oneness awakening, your hair is like an electric circuitry."

Yogi Bhajan declares he is greater than Sikh Gurus:"Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran praan tapaa. That’s the only way I can figure it out." ~ Yogi Bhajan

The following predictions are excerpts from lectures by Yogi Bhajan. http://www.rickross.com/reference/3ho/3ho18.html

Beads of Truth, 1972, "The Aura or Magnetic Field" lecture.
"Those who tune into him are tuned into HIM in return and this union is the Yoga of Awareness called Kundalini Yoga. Those who practice this will stand liberated."~ Yogi Bhajan

May 24, 1976

"The time is short; there is a lot to be done; our preparation is not adequate. I know that insanity is going to catch us. I know that humanity is going to be chewed up by the jaws of insanity and I know that I am a failure...soon brakes will be used as gas pedals; knives used to chop vegetables will commit a crime. Insanity doesn’t need a tool. Insanity is a tool. What a failure I am! I know the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, the science of being, and what have I done? A couple thousand people is not enough. So what is left for me but to pray." ~ Yogi Bhajan

January 27, 1977

"The moon is an ethereal, auric living organic situation. There is life on the moon. They exist. They have their government and they work. But you can’t see them or feel them. One day, you will develop a sensory system and then you will feel them, and you will communicate with them, and they will communicate with you. You will say "Ahh, we came here twenty years ago and never these guys!" ~ Yogi Bhajan

" Now you say there is no life on Mars? Mars is populated...it is over-populated. The rate of production and sensuality is so heavy, and the beings--they grow so fast that they have to go and make war on all the other planets." ~ Yogi Bhajan

" There are beings on Jupiter. There is a hierarchy. Their energy and our energy interexchange in the astral body and it is highly effective." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"Sun flares-when they go backwards-are safe, but when they are pushed toward the Earth, it's like a bombardment which the Earth has to withstand." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"It is not a mystery, it's not imagination-it will come upon us soon, the flare of the sun is going to disturb the magnetic field of the Earth. You will find your hair starting to react differently&"~ Yogi Bhajan

"You will get stuck in thought. The heat form the sun flares is going to wipe out a lot of things. This will happen in the next 18 months & Humans will find it difficult to find the way." ~ Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan speaks

"What is happening is a slow, steady change in the atmosphere. Your endurance will be very low. Whether you are a yogi or not, you'll go berserk. It happened 136 years ago." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"Venus and Mars are going to be affected, so there can be misunderstandings. Don't pick these fights-they are useless, they waste your human body energy, they will make your mind impure and they will give you a lot of pain. A lot of pain." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"It will change you. Don't be surprised at people’s behavior& Don't doubt your friends, don't doubt your enemies. Don't trust your patients, don't trust your doctors & Do not depend on tomorrow. Period." ~ Yogi Bhajan

December 31, 1995 Espanola, NM

"We have from the past exactly 2000 years going through the process of impulse. The whole humanity is equal to 5.5 billion and it looks like it is going to increase...the terminal diseases have already gripped or are likely to grip one third of the total society...That’s a crushing wheel of time in which people will leave because they did not make it right to begin with." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"Now looking at life as you look at it today, 1996 is not a happy year for those who do not have spiritual discipline. Watch my words. I am saying it with very clear consciousness. I don’t want to say anything...It will have no place for people who have no spiritual discipline, and those who have spiritual discipline, they shall be rewarded as per percentage. Fact is right before our eyes, the percentage of your spiritual discipline will be your personal security and guarantee in 1996. So if we live to talk again next year, we’ll see. I do not know what will happen to you..." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"It is not that you have to worry about what I am saying, I’m telling you what is going to be. It is all beyond you. It is the time now...Anybody who lives, thinks, acts, the limited shall be limitedly suffocated to death..." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"Personal mediation, folks, is nothing but daily compound interest on the principle. You default in payment, there will be penalties. You can’t escape it." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"So, 1996 is not a bad year for spiritual people. But those who cheat shall retreat into their lower self and they shall suffer and this planet earth has nothing to offer." ~ Yogi Bhajan
Kundalini Lectures by Yogi Bhajan.

May 5, 1976

"The generations to follow those who do not seek now will seek and shall be free. This is the written destiny of God. I cannot change it, because I have not written it. Who am I to change the words of the great being? I am just a humble being." ~ Yogi Bhajan

June 6, 1976

"Sometimes you may see me look worried. When I see all of you, I do worry because I value you. You have invested 8.4 million existence’s to get this human body And then before you were allowed to be in this human body, you were purified in the third layer of consciousness of blue ether, which runs by light years. God knows how many years you were there. Then, finally, you got this human body." ~ Yogi Bhajan

January 27, 1977

"I was talking to a doctor today...and I said to him, "We are not going to cure people in the future because of medicine. Actually, a person is going to look at a person, and with mental frequency, he is gonna’ cure him." ~ Yogi Bhajan

September 19, 1977

"There is going to be a huge situation to face. November 11, 1978 is going to set the time. You will realize, people from that day on, fearfully experiencing the insanity. For those of you who do not have a systematic system to cope with themselves, there will be nothing on earth they can do." ~ Yogi Bhajan

November 30, 1977

"The majority of the people coming in the next 25 to 30 years will be totally perverted...They will undermine themselves to the extent that they will not be in a position to create balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. Forty years from now our entire medical science is going to depend on this: Is he on a gamma, on a theta, alpha, or beta wavelength of the brain, and, which is the predominant wavelength. We can then determine how to reorder the immediate recovery of the person. We can immediately understand the capacity of the person and we can also understand the consciousness of the person." ~ Yogi Bhajan

Beads of Truth, 1972, "The Aura or Magnetic Field" lecture.

"Those who sleep North-South, their electric magnetic field and the magnetic field of the earth are one. They lose their initiative, they become zero. Their magnetic field and the earth’s magnetic field are one, thus, they cannot hold the pressure of the earth’s field. Their nerves become weak. That is why you should sleep East-West." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"Those who tune into him are tuned into HIM in return and this union is the Yoga of Awareness called Kundalini Yoga. Those who practice this will stand liberated." ~ Yogi Bhajan

"A Date with Yogi Bhajan" lecture Beads of Truth 1972

"The coming children in 90 years from today will have a brain with a special development around the point of the pineal gland. They will have small cells which shall be known by the knowledgeable people as vibratory centers through which ordinary men shall communicate at long distance at the same time without physical, with their psyches and shall have effect and the reverse effect of all the knowledge of the mental process at different frequencies to relate to that great human vibratory level on which the future consciousness man shall talk and communicate. I am making a statement. You can mark it down." ~ Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan Kundalini yoga teachers will tell you false statements like "You have thousands of people practicing Kundalini Yoga with no side effects, only positive benefits."

More scientific evidence that your statement is false!

yoga & psychosis- Google search

Kundalini Yoga Psychotic Episode
www.visionandpsychosis.net/Kundalini_Yoga_Psychotic_Episode.h...Cached - Similar
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17 Sep 2010 – Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong prove a 3000-year history for it. To understand the power of this phenomenon remember the paranoid psychotic ...

1.Yoga Dangers: Yoga, Kundalini Awakening and Transcendental ...
www.yogadangers.com/Cached - Similar
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"One often hears and reads about the dangers of Yoga, particularly of the ill- reputed Kundalini Yoga. The deliberately induced psychotic state, which in certain ...

2.When Yoga Causes Psychosis - Furious Seasons
www.furiousseasons.com/.../11/when_yoga_causes_psychosis.htmlCached - Similar
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7 Nov 2007 – In it, a Los Angeles doc reports on a 33-year-old man who experienced psychosis apparently related to Bikram yoga (aka "hot yoga"). ...

3.Psychotic Episode Associated With Bikram Yoga -- LU and PIERRE ...
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by JS LU - 2007 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
However, intensive yoga and meditation have been reported in association with altered perceptions and full-blown psychotic episodes (2–4). Bikram yoga, also ...

4.1761 Psychotic Episode Associated With Bikram Yoga
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by JS LU - 2007 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
Psychotic Episode Associated With Bikram. Yoga. TO THE EDITOR: Yoga is a ...

Show more results from psychiatryonline.org5.Yoga and Psychosis - what is IPI?
ipi.org.in/texts/yaiap/yaiap-sum/kvnaveen.htmCached - Similar
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1 Oct 2002 – Yoga and Psychosis: Risks and Therapeutic Potential. K.V. Naveen & Shirley Telles Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation ...

6.Kundalini syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini_syndromeCached - Similar
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4.1 Sign of spiritual emergency; 4.2 Psychosis; 4.3 Problems .... Teachers of Yoga familiar enough to guide students through the completion of Kundalini karmic ...

7.Dangers of Yoga: Side effects - Scientific articles
dangersofyoga.blogspot.com/2010/02/videos-yoga.htmlCached - Similar
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(2003). Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation. Yoga and Psychosis : Risks and Therapeutic Potential. Journal of Indian Psychology. Vol. 21 (1). ...

8.Yoga Meditation in Severe Psychosis & Autism
www.opposingviews.com/.../yoga-meditation-in-severe-psychosis-a...Cached - Similar
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7 Aug 2010 – A caution from one alternative medicine site warns that meditation instruction can cause physiological or psychological harm - such as: mania, ...

9.Yoga and Exercise in Psychosis - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov
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16 Sep 2010 – Yoga and Exercise in Psychosis (YEP). This study is currently recruiting participants. Verified on August 2011 by The University of Hong Kong ...

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