Response to SikhNet anti-Gurmat article: "5 Things Brown Girls Can Learn From Miss America"

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, September 27, 2013, 01:06 (4012 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Shame on SikhNet for publishing an article encouraging Sikh girls to glorify their flesh & stoop to participate in western debauchery! Sikh girls should be focused on learning Gurbani, getting a good education, and learning self defense with firearms, NOT learning from Miss America how to display their naked bodies so they can be sexually exploited.

See the SikhNet article for this evidence:
"5 Things Brown Girls Can Learn From Miss America"


Promotion of this sexual American beauty contest for women is just more evidence that SikhNet and Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga cult want to subsume Sikhi into the depraved practices of the tantric Hindu sex yogis! "SikhNet Secret Agenda: Subsume Sikhi into Hinduism by distracting youth with tantric sex cult yoga!"


"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously." Dr. Trilochan Singh from his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977 a critical look at Yogi Bhajan's tantric / kundalini yoga.
available as an audio book at or as a free pdf at

CBS News TV reports on Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga being taught at Sikh youth camp in Yuba City

Sikhs should be aware of disgraceful photos that show Gurujot and his wife, shamefully displaying their tantric sex yoga which shows they are only part-time Sikhs along with many other 3HOers whose external appearance when they are around Gursikhs is very deceiving.
Gurujot Singh Khalsa, SikhNet's creative director who taught the "Khalsa Camp" at Tierra Buena Gurdwara last weekend in Yuba City California is hiding his real agenda of Subsuming Sikhi into Hinduism by distracting Sikh youth with tantric sex cult yoga. Note that Gurujot's wife unabashedly posts sexually revealing photos on facebook which sends the message to Sikh youth that these sexual practices are OK!

Yogi Bhajan followers ban photography inside their tantric yoga events, especially video but I found a couple of amateur efforts from abroad, both with the creepy disembodied voice of Yogi Bhajan.

Video from a Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga workshop in Spain -- creepy Shakti tantric dance

This video exemplifies the weird Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga

Sikhs may also view more photos showing the un Sikh like tantric sex yoga, idol worship, and other anti-Gurmat activities of the Yogi Bhajan followers which I don't think parents want Sikh youth exposed to in any way shape or form!

Please also find links to some of the videos and Facebook pages I have made on the subject of Un Sikh like practices in Yogi Bhajan's group: "Was Yogi Bhajan really a Hindu at heart? Yogi Bhajan given Hindu last rites! Did SikhNet know?"

Call or write Gursant Singh with questions and requests for help with individual or group training at your Gurdwaras on the use of hand guns and rifles for self-defense and security.
Ph 505 903 2675 or write

What will it take for Sikhs to start self-defense training with firearms after still another attack on a Sikh man in California yesterday?

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