For Sikhs this article by SikhNet raises some important questions about Yogi Bhajan's loyalties & predispositions to teach & practice Hindu rituals & practices like astrology, pujas, tantric yoga, idol worship & magical incantations!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, October 24, 2013, 12:23 (4152 days ago) @ Gursant Singh
edited by Gursant Singh, Thursday, October 24, 2013, 20:18

For Sikhs this article by SikhNet raises some important questions about Yogi Bhajan's Hindu loyalties & predispositions to teach & practice Hindu rituals & practices like astrology, pujas, tantric yoga, idol worship & magical incantations! We know that Yogi Bhajan's mother was Hindu and his surname was Puri who are mostly staunch Hindus.

Sikhs respond to SikhNet article on Yogi Bhajan : "The Loyalty, Purity & Strength of a True Teacher"

"After the visit to our Temple we saw more amazing things with him (Yogi Bhajan) when he visited another Temple in the village of Moruga by the sea. This mandir was in a very poor area. The ladies were waiting to garland Yogiji in front of the Temple. He broke down and cried and said that some of the people there were his actually his relatives from his pind in India. One of the older men later came to Summer Solstice in the United States." "SikhNet 's big cover-up! Sikhs censored for exposing Yogi Bhajan's Hindu Last Rites ritual pics"


Is this proper behavior for a Sikh? The pic shows Yogi Bhajan giving his darshan on a platform in a Hindu mandir & allowing a devotee to touch his feet like a Hindu swami.

"SikhNet's big cover-up! Sikhs censored for exposing Yogi Bhajan's Hindu Last Rites ritual pics"

In my book "Confessions of an American Sikh" I describe how we used to line-up to bow and touch Yogi Bhajan's feet, "Typically, what the ashram would do was set him (Yogi Bhajan) up in a room ornamented with tasseled pillows, silken swags, and yards and yards of fresh flower garlands. It would be anointed with scented oils and incense. Fit for Krishna. Then the devotees would file in. With their fingertips, they touched his feet, then their foreheads, to transmit his sacred darshan."

Sikhs respond to SikhNet article on Yogi Bhajan : "The Loyalty, Purity & Strength of a True Teacher"

So is this proper behavior for a supposed Sikh who also professes to be the "leader of all Sikhs in the Western World"~ Yogi Bhajan? The 3rd pic from the top of the SikhNet article shows Yogi Bhajan giving his darshan on a platform in a Hindu mandir & allowing a devotee to touch his feet like a Hindu swami.

Let me first say that I respect the Hindu religion but no Sikh should be doing Hindu rituals or worshiping in a Hindu temple. All the Sikh Gurus spoke against Sikhs doing these tantric yogas, idol worship, and astrology which Yogi Bhajan taught to students and he himself practiced.

For Sikhs this article by SikhNet raises some important questions about Yogi Bhajan's Hindu loyalties & predispositions to teach & practice Hindu rituals & practices like astrology, pujas, tantric yoga, idol worship & magical incantations! We know that Yogi Bhajan's mother was Hindu and his surname was Puri who are mostly staunch Hindus.
"After the visit to our Temple we saw more amazing things with him (Yogi Bhajan) when he visited another Temple in the village of Moruga by the sea. This mandir was in a very poor area. The ladies were waiting to garland Yogiji in front of the Temple. He broke down and cried and said that some of the people there were his actually his relatives from his pind in India. One of the older men later came to Summer Solstice in the United States." "SikhNet 's big cover-up! Sikhs censored for exposing Yogi Bhajan's Hindu Last Rites ritual pics"
"SikhNet's big cover-up! Sikhs censored for exposing Yogi Bhajan's Hindu Last Rites ritual pics"

In my book "Confessions of an American Sikh" I describe how we used to line-up to bow and touch Yogi Bhajan's feet, "Typically, what the ashram would do was set him (Yogi Bhajan) up in a room ornamented with tasseled pillows, silken swags, and yards and yards of fresh flower garlands. It would be anointed with scented oils and incense. Fit for Krishna. Then the devotees would file in. With their fingertips, they touched his feet, then their foreheads, to transmit his sacred darshan."

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