Write Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma & SikhNet encouraging them to accept my job application as "3HO Watchdog"

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, October 26, 2013, 14:25 (4129 days ago)

Write Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma & SikhNet encouraging them to accept my job application as "3HO Watchdog". http://jobs.sikhdharma.org/


My job application & resume submitted to Yogi Bhajan's "Sikh Dharma International" for the seva position of "3HO Watchdog".

Name * Gursant Singh
Email * Gurusant@hotmail.com
Website Gurmukhyoga.com

I am applying for the 3HO "Watchdog" position. I have shown in my numerous online posts & social media videos to tell the truth about Yogi Bhajan. As part of my job I’m willing to come speak for free or debate anybody from 3HO in an open public forum. My qualifications for this seva include 30 years living in close proximity with Yogi Bhajan and witnessing his nefarious and un Sikh like activities. By Guru Sahib's grace I still remained a Sikh after escaping from Bhajan's tantric clutches by meeting true Gursikhs in India, so I am well qualified to speak and debate on this subject. My book "Confessions of an American Sikh" which has received great reviews on Amazon as “the best truthful book on the market about Yogi Bhajan”, will serve as a detailed resume for the 3HO "watchdog" position. http://www.amazon.com/Confessions-American-Sikh-corrupt-tantric-ebook/dp/B00ANSWUPM/ref=zg_bs_158529011_5

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