Gurumustuk, founder of SikhNet, proposes, " integrated financial donor system for all of our ( Yogi Bhajan ) non-profits."

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, March 01, 2014, 14:40 (3975 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Gurumustuk, founder of SikhNet, proposes, " integrated financial donor system for all of our ( Yogi Bhajan ) non-profits."


Sikhs that donate to SikhNet need to understand this means that any donations made to SikhNet would go into a general pool of cash which would support all of the Yogi Bhajan organizations like KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) & Yogi Bhajan's 3HO which is heavily into promoting Hindu Yogic practices like Astrology and Vedic pujas. Read more about MrSikhNet's proposal and other hidden agendas of the Yogi Bhajan cult at this 3HO steering committee meeting:

You'll find Gurumustuk's proposal towards the bottom of the report under this heading: "The following entities gave a report.
•Sikhnet – SS Gurumustak Singh & MSS Guruka Singh
•KRI – Library of the Teachings – MSS Nirvair Singh
•IKYTA –Ethics - SS Guruka Kaur
•3HO Europe – SS Sat Dharm Singh
•3HO – Jaap Kaur
•SDEI - Saraswati Kaur
•LYF – SS Jai Singh
• KIIT - - SS Shanti Kaur

Sikhnet - SS Gurumustak Singh & MSS Guruka Singh "SS Gurumustak shared about their donor management system, and the possibility of an integrated financial donor system for all of our non-profits."

Why does SikhNet need $250,000 per yr, 500 times more money than other comparable Sikh websites?

I see a lot of fat salaries at SikhNet. Why does SikhNet need so much more money than other comparable Sikh websites? SikhNet says they need $250,000 USD to run their operation & website every year. The budget at Gurbani World Radio for the year is only $500 USD!

Gurbani World Radio offers twice as many Gurbani radio stations than SikhNet too! One has to wonder where all the extra money goes to at SikhNet?

Ask SikhNet in their "SikhNet Donation Survey" why they need so much money. "Sikhs who complete SikhNet "Donation Survey" should ask if their donations are going towards supporting Idol worship & Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga at SikhNet!"

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