Are the comments & actions of Jagraj Singh of Everythings 13 - Basics of Sikhi arrogant & unbecoming of a Gursikh?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Sunday, August 10, 2014, 14:25 (3694 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Are the comments & actions of Jagraj Singh of Everythings 13 - Basics of Sikhi arrogant & unbecoming of a Gursikh? Jagraj Singh has irresponsibly continued to block the comments of an expert Sikh marksman concerning gun safety in Jagraj Singh's video "Sikhs - get armed and trained! @ California, USA".


This is not the first time Jagraj Singh has fired insults towards fellow Sikhs. In this discussion at:
Jagraj Singh exhibits his arrogance once again when he says to fellow Sikhs,”With elders like yourselves…..Who needs enemies?” Jagraj also makes a very sarcastic and insulting remark in the same thread against traditional Sikh women when he says, “Some women humour their husbands... But luckily we have no such compulsion. How is the air up there on your high moral ground? It must be above the cloud level as you can't see the reality on the ground. With elders like yourselves.... Who needs enemies?”~Jagraj Singh

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