3,500 Sikhs petition Akal Takhat against Yogi Bhajan’s yogis

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, September 24, 2015, 14:48 (3431 days ago)

“I get many reports, complaints, pictures, letters and proof of Sikh Code violations by Sikh Dharma International members and teachers from Siri Akal Takhat Sahib, SGPC, DSGMC and other Sikh organizations in India and USA,” Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Khalsa said in the letter. Full article at this link: http://www.sikhfreepress.org/headlines/2718/3500-sikhs-petition-akal-takhat-against-bhajan%E2%80%99s-yogis


“These (complaints) include:
•the photo of the naked lady portrayed (with recording artist) Snatam Kaur’s Kirtan Sohila Bani;
•worship of Hindu deities publicly and in homes of leaders of Sikh Dharma International and their students;
•several complaints against practices at MPA ( Miri Piri Academy, Yogi Bhajan’s school in Amritsar) and various Sikh code of conduct violations by MPA students and staff;
•complaints against MPA students smoking and drinking liquor in public;
•many instances of dancing on Gurbani Shabads including to Snatam Kaur and (Hollywood yoga teacher) Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa’s chanting of Guru’s Bani;
•idol and stone worship by Sikh Dharma International members / teachers and many more such practices.”




But Satpal Khalsa did not mention any of his, Yogi Bhajan’s or his family’s violations, including participation in Hindu pujas and having Hindu last rites for Yogi Bhajan performed by Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati at the world famous Parmarth Ashram Rishikesh, India, in 2005. For more info see: http://www.sikhnn.com/headlines/2680/yogi-bhajan-given-hindu-last-rites


The Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization, or 3HO, and Sikhnet.com are among the many nonprofit organizations founded by the late Yogi Harbhajan Khalsa, popularly known as Yogi Bhajan. After immigrating to Los Angeles in the late 1960s, Bhajan made himself the Mahan Tantric, leader of a spiritual movement he called Sikh-Dharma. He mixed Hindu Tantric Yoga philosophy and practices with Gurbani and Sikh practices, and taught it to his disciples as the only authentic Sikhism. Although Bhajan used “Sikh” in the name of this organization and “Khalsa” as the surname for all his followers, they do not follow Gurbani or the Sikh Rahit Maryada. They also have altered the Guru’s Bani in their English translations to justify their own beliefs and lifestyle. Bhajan kept his community inaccessible to Sikhs, and successfully networked with the Sikh leadership. But with the advent of the Internet, Sikhs are beginning to take note of Bhajan’s yogis. They are complaining. For more info see: http://www.sikhfreepress.org/headlines/2667/american-yogis-distort-sikh-scripture

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