Every Sikh should ask @CNN @Bourdain to followup with a report on human rights atrocities committed by Punjab Police against Sikhs

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 15:56 (3957 days ago)

Sikhs ask CNN to expose human rights atrocities committed by Punjab Police against Sikhs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPsjLI8FEeg&list=UUQDV5etGNZ9AnZ-3PnLklzw


Sikhs are asking CNN to follow-up with a report exposing the human rights atrocities committed against Sikhs by the Punjab police & government there in India. Sikhs know there is another side of the Punjab which news agencies refuse to discuss. CNN's Anthony Bourdain reported on Punjab India's the "Holy land of the Sikhs":

I was jailed at Amritsar's Ram Bagh police station in January of 2008 on false charges & I can attest to the brutal torture of prisoners by India's corrupt Punjab police. Read about my full account of the corruption and abuse of human rights by India's police and courts towards Sikhs in my new book "Confessions of an American Sikh"

"Confessions of an American Sikh"

Write Gursant Singh at Gurusant@hotmail.com for a free pdf copy

I also spent time in 1982 with Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale at the Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) where he was martyred in 1984 after Indira Gandhi viciously attacked the Darbar Sahib with the Indian Army killing thousands of Sikhs. I describe my personal experiences with Sant Jarnail Singh in the book too. "Confessions of an American Sikh" http://www.amazon.com/Confessions-American-Sikh-corrupt-ebook/dp/B00ANSWUPM/ref=zg_bs_158529011_1.

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