Academic study shows Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga is a fraud!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 16:04 (3977 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 16:10

Academic study shows Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga is a fraud!


A recent academic paper has thrown new light on the origins of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga, casting serious doubts on its supposed origins.

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory

Volume 8, Issue 3, 2012

Special Issue:The 3HO Sikh Community

The construction of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga

"As opposed to the official history of Kundalini Yoga that claims it as an ancient and secret tradition prior to Yogi Bhajan's open teaching of it, this article argues that it was a bricolage created by Yogi Bhajan himself...."

Have you read Dr. Trilochan Singh's book from 1977 which is a very good critical analysis of Yogi Bhajan and his practices? The book was a real eye-opener for me! You can download the book for free at:

Best Book About Yogi Bhajan on the Market, January 3, 2013 Review by Scott Free - This review is from: Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a "New Age" tantric yoga cult! (Kindle only 0.99 cents)

Write Gursant Singh at for a free pdf copy.

Gursant Singh's recounting of his passage to India and out of a corrupt yoga empire is as enjoyable as it is compelling. This is a story of exploitation -- Gursant's victimization by his fraudulent master, Yogi Bhajan, and his own demoralizing work running scams to prop up the yogi's luxurious lifestyle. It's a quick-paced adventure that describes the ersatz Sikh lifestyle dumped on a clutch of white Americans and the peculiar dangers of the Indian bride trade.
The book revolves around Gursant's quest for a Punjabi marriage partner. His desire to acquire a subservient wife echoes Yogi Bhajan's tantric babble about men and women. If you've endured a Yogi Bhajan "teaching" on sexuality, you'll be dismayed, but not surprised, by his longtime student's view of women. Gursant's role as Bhajan's aide and bodyguard revealed the man his followers refuse to see -- a womanizer and a brute. Yogi Bhajan's round-the-clock use of a dozen female assistants is well-known. Those who question why the self-proclaimed leader of the Sikhs of the Western world required not just a personal harem but an armed security detail will find answers here. Gursant lays out his time among the sleazy operators and criminal hustlers swirling through Yogi Bhajan's Healthy Happy Holy Organization/3HO in some depth -- not enough intricacy for some of us, but doubtless far too much for the old charlatan's remaining devotees.

Fortunately, the book doesn't devolve into a personal Mea Culpa nor does it read like the diary of a starry-eyed seeker. The bizarre mishmash of Eastern aphorisms and yoga postures that Yogi Bhajan concocted made his Sikh Dharma group appealing to a small, lost tribe of the counterculture. Mercifully, Gursant was no hippie and he doesn't write like one. Yet his "Confessions of An American Sikh" makes the case for Sikh Dharma's inclusion as a footnote to '60s experimental spirituality. More importantly, this book is a fascinating look at the seamy side of the Indian marriage business and a frank exploration of life in a destructive, authoritarian group.

Gursant's tone is appealing whether he is describing the filthy interior of a lock-up in Amritsar or his posh daily luncheons with Yogi Bhajan on Rodeo Drive. His growing disillusionment with Bhajan's bogus spin on the Sikh religion comes to a climax while Gursant is trapped in India. He finds himself trying to emerge from two forms of imprisonment -- one physical and the other spiritual. Through it all, Gursant maintains his sense of humor and his innate faith.

This is an absorbing story for any reader. And it's a must-read for those caught up in Yogi Bhajan's 3HO/Sikh Dharma --ex-followers, Second Generation casualties, family members, law enforcement, cult researchers -- and for every Kundalini yoga student or Yogi Tea drinker, past or present.

This review of the Scholarly report in the video which shows Yogi Bhajan's Tantric / Kundalini Yoga is a fraud & Kundalini Yoga was Yogi Bhajan's own invention was posted on a discussion forum of ex Yogi Bhajan followers: "

This article goes back and forth between what YB taught and YBers claim, and what the author, through investigation, has discovered to be true. Which is to say, he takes on many of their stretchers. He exposes their lies.

He exposes their lies just like we have been doing here for years, but he does it much better, of course.......continued

Read testimonies of Yogi Bhajan abusing & cursing his kundalini yoga students! Bad seed produces poisonous fruit! Academic study shows Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga is a fraud!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, April 18, 2014, 13:54 (3976 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Read testimonies of Yogi Bhajan abusing & cursing his kundalini yoga students "I would lose my soul" if I left him, Bhajan would say!

Is this legacy of Yogi Bhajan's poison what today's Kundalini Yoga students want to be known by and associated with? The evidence points clearly that Yogi Bhajan, founder of kundalini yoga, was a fraud and routinely abused his students for power, money and sex! Bad seed produces poisonous fruit.
How can anyone follow the teachings of a beast like Bhajan who raped & abused his followers. Anyone who follows Bhajan's kundalini yoga is as bad as Bhajan when they honor his corrupted legacy by practicing Bhajan's self-styled kundalini yoga! Shame on everyone who refuses to even read or acknowledge these testimonies of innocent young people who had the unfortunate fate to be abused & even raped in some cases by Bhajan!

Academic study shows Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga is a fraud!

A recent academic paper has thrown new light on the origins of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga, casting serious doubts on its supposed origins.

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory

Volume 8, Issue 3, 2012

Special Issue:The 3HO Sikh Community

The construction of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga

"As opposed to the official history of Kundalini Yoga that claims it as an ancient and secret tradition prior to Yogi Bhajan's open teaching of it, this article argues that it was a bricolage created by Yogi Bhajan himself...."

Assassination plot against Sant Bhindranwale Ji by Indira Gandhi & Yogi Bhajan uncovered!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Sunday, May 18, 2014, 11:24 (3946 days ago) @ Gursant Singh


After 30 years of silence the Sikh gentleman in the video has decided to come forward and relate a face to face meeting he had with Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale Ji in 1984 just before operation Blue Star so that people may know the truth about Yogi Bhajan's lies and murderous plots.

After meeting with this Sikh brother today and checking all his credentials, I found his testimony to be very credible. He knew all the people close to Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale Ji and he produced specific information about details readily which all lead me to believe his story is with merit. This Sikh gentleman has a very reputable position and family and has nothing to gain by not telling the truth which gives me good reason to respect and honor what he says.

Did Yogi Bhajan's kundalini yoga followers bow & touch Yogi's feet?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Sunday, May 25, 2014, 14:14 (3938 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Did Yogi Bhajan's followers bow & touch Yogi's feet? Testimony by a person who grew-up in the Yogi Bhajan tantric / kundalini yoga cult aligns with the same experience as I had when I was a member of the 3HO cult for 30 years.


Discussion on SikhNN Sikh News Network

The Fight For Yogi Bhajan’s Empire

"In response to Shiva Singh's statement claiming that 'yogi' Bhajan was not teaching people to bow to him..."

You said, "He taught us to bow ONLY to the SGGS, NEVER to him."

Shiva Singh, this is a tricky half-truth bordering on a straight out lie. I grew up in the 'yogi' Bhajan 3HO cult unfortunately, and you and I both know that when he walked through a crowd of students, or even in a 3HO Gurdwara, everyone lunged to bow
to him and touch his feet. He did not EVER stop anyone from doing this,
so the habit grew and grew and ballooned into a ridiculous scene. I was
very uncomfortable with all this. I would keep standing while EVERYONE
around me dove for his feet. I would just look him in the eye as he
walked by and he gave me such hateful looks because I was not bowing to

A humble gursikh would have corrected the situation and put
an end to the bowing... and certainly would not have glared angrily at
me for NOT bowing to him! He demanded worship and when he didn't get it
from me it made him enraged.

You say, "He taught us to bow ONLY to the SGGS, NEVER to him."

You are lying. I grew up in the cult unfortunately, and you and I both know
that when he walked through a crowd of students, everyone lunged to bow
to him and touch his feet. He did not EVER stop anyone from doing this,
so the habit grew and grew and ballooned into a ridiculous scene. I was
very uncomfortable with all this. I would keep standing while EVERYONE
around me dove for his feet. I would just look him in the eye as he
walked by and he gave me such hateful looks because I was not bowing to

A humble gursikh would have corrected the situation and put
an end to the bowing... and certainly would not have glared angrily at
me for NOT bowing to him! He demanded worship and when he didn't get it
from me it made him enraged.

My 30 years of experience in the Yogi Bhajan 3HO kundalini yoga cult!
Did Yogi Bhajan design his Kundalini Yoga for mind control cult induction? In this video I discuss how Yogi Bhajan designed his kundalini yoga to create hypnotic states in order to control minds and make his students more susceptible to induction into his cult. In my experience, the Yogi Bhajan way of smashing everyone into altered states by piling on more and more exercises, meditations and perhaps a gong meditation leaves people spacey and prone to induction into his cult. That's probably why he (Yogi Bhajan) did it and why Kundalini Yoga teachers keep on doing it. The heavy breathing (breath of fire as Yogi Bhajan called it) techniques, loud gong sounds ringing in your ears and hours of Yogi Bhajan mantra chanting, sometimes in front of his picture, put unsuspecting people into an almost trance like state, making students more susceptible to induction into the Yogi Bhajan cult. Yogi Bhajan would have us hold our arms up for hours in some "kriya" he made up. We were so exhausted after several hours that we'd believe or accept anything Yogi Bhajan said. So it is today with 3HO kundalini yoga trainers.

Be sure to watch the next video in this series at:

Shame on 3HO for NOT acknowledging innocent kundalini yoga students raped & abused by Yogi Bhajan! If you're having a problem signing into the website be sure to click on as a guest using the red button in the far bottom right of the screen

Read testimonies of Yogi Bhajan abusing & cursing his kundalini yoga students "I would lose my soul" if I left him, Bhajan would say!

Is this legacy of Yogi Bhajan's poison what today's Kundalini Yoga students want to be known by and associated with? The evidence points clearly that Yogi Bhajan, founder of kundalini yoga, was a fraud and routinely abused his students for power, money and sex! Bad seed produces poisonous fruit.

"Yogi's legacy in question. Former followers say he abused his position for power, money and sex"
By Sherri Buri McDonald The Register-Guard

How can anyone follow the teachings of a beast like Bhajan who raped & abused his followers. Anyone who follows Bhajan's kundalini yoga is as bad as Bhajan when they honor his corrupted legacy by practicing Bhajan's self-styled kundalini yoga! Shame on everyone who refuses to even read or acknowledge these testimonies of innocent young people who had the unfortunate fate to be abused & even raped in some cases by Bhajan!

Academic study shows Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga is a fraud!

A recent academic paper has thrown new light on the origins of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga, casting serious doubts on its supposed origins.

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory

Volume 8, Issue 3, 2012

Special Issue:The 3HO Sikh Community

The construction of Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga

"As opposed to the official history of Kundalini Yoga that claims it as an ancient and secret tradition prior to Yogi Bhajan's open teaching of it, this article argues that it was a bricolage created by Yogi Bhajan himself...."

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