Sikhs : Ask Guruka of SikhNet at UK Gurdwaras, why he wears Yogi Bhajan’s fingernails as a magic talisman & wears NO Sikh Kirpan at his side!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, July 17, 2014, 13:43 (3865 days ago)

Sikhs : Ask Guruka of SikhNet why he wears Yogi Bhajan’s fingernails as a magic talisman & wears NO Sikh Kirpan at his side!


Guruka of SikhNet will be taking questions from the sangat and teaching Yogi Bhajan’s kundalini yoga at various Gurdwaras and Khalsa schools this week in the UK. Here is the SikhNet link showing the locations and times:

Sikhs are requested to confront Guruka with legitimate questions about the many anti-Sikh practices and violations of the Sikh Reht which Guruka and his Yogi Bhajan followers engage in daily. Please record these questions and answers with video recorders when possible and post them on Youtube for the sangat to respond too.

In helping you formulate your questions for Guruka, I have posted here links to various videos and social media which show the un-Sikh like activities Guruka and SikhNet are either engaged in or support on their website:
“New photos of Yogi Bhajan tantric / kundalini yoga dancing expose SikhNet & 3HO's beadbi of Sikhi”
“Stone idol worship by Yogi Bhajan SikhNet 3HO partners alarms Sikhs!”
“(1) New 10 foot high Yogi Bhajan idol funded by SikhNet tantric yoga cult disturbs Sikhs”
“(1) SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan kundalini yoga sect absent from Sikh Nation Freedom March in San Francisco”
“SikhNet "collaborating with 3HO Europe to bring Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training to India"
“Assassination plot against Sant Bhindranwale Ji by Indira Gandhi & Yogi Bhajan uncovered! “
“Newly uncovered Yogi Bhajan Phallus Tantric Drawings”

The Story of Yogi Bhajan's anti- Sikh Tantric yoga Necklaces

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, July 19, 2014, 15:16 (3863 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Sikhs will readily see in this 3HO article the true anti- Sikh agenda of SikhNet & their Yogi Bhajan followers! Sikhs rely solely on the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji for strength & guidance yet Yogi Bhajan said of his tantric necklaces, "Whoever wears a Tantric Necklace shall be blessed by me personally and shall continuously receive the healing, comforting, and elevating energy of White Tantra Yoga.” Notice Yogi Bhajan is wearing NO Sikh dastar & NO kirpan while worshiping this tantric necklace he has elevated in his hands.


"Some worship stones, put them on their heads or hang them round their necks.
Some insist that God is in the South, others bow their heads to the West.
Some fools worship idols, others waste their time with worshipping the dead.
The whole world is entangled in false ceremonies and has not found God's secret." ~ Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Swayya 10)

What former Yogi Bhajan followers are saying about 3HO and their practices

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Saturday, July 19, 2014, 15:21 (3863 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Here is a post by Vikram Singh on GLZ I think Sikhs will find helpful in this discussion: Antion Vikram Singh Meredith says:

Veer Jaspal Singh ji, After more than 40 years the number of Bhajanists who left Bhajanism and remained Sikhs - like myself - can be counted on the fingers of two hands. For Bhajanists Sikhi and Bhajanism are one and the same. When they tire of Bhajanism they leave Sikhi - except for a very small handful. What kind of miracle is that?

Antion Vikram Singh Meredith says:

Veer Jaspal Singh ji - I don't know how many amritdhari Bhajanists you know but I have known many. I'm sorry to tell you that - overwhelmingly - they do not differentiate between Bhajanism and Sikhi. For example all the ones that I knew put Yogi Bhajan's morning practices before their nitnem - if they did nitnem at all. Their knowledge of Sikh History, History of Guru Sahiban, Sikh Rehat Maryada and Punjabi Culture was verging on the non-existent. All this came second to Yogi Bhajan's yoga teachings. I'm not saying this is true for all - just for the overwhelming majority. You might say - well, you don't need to know these things to be a good Khalsa. That may be true. But if your Sikhi knowledge is only made up of and concerned with Yogi Bhajan's yoga teachings, what kind of Khalsa can you be?

This is another post by Vikram Singh on Gurmat Learning Zone which I think is appropriate here also: Vikram Singh is responding to a statement made by a Yogi Bhajan follower on a social media forum: Yogi Bhajan follower says, "Punjabis can be some of the most racist. They don’t relate to white Sikhs, or black people, or Hispanics. Amazing. Almost as bad as the Japanese. But this is changing, as well. Many Punjabis see us as the saviors of the faith. Inclusion will come to them, or they won’t survive." Antion Vikram Singh responds to Ranbir Singh Bhai who posted the Yogi Bhajan followers statement on GLZ to get a response from the Sikh community:
Vikram Singh Says:
As an "American" Sikh (20 years as a Bhajanist and 24 as an "ordinary" Sikh) I have heard this kind of talk many times. When I was a Bhajanist the level of understanding of Sikh History, Sikh Rehit Maryada, Punjabi culture and history of our Guru Sahiban amongst my peers was abysmal, verging on non-existent.

In addition, the level of arrogance that we had the "right way of Sikhi" or that we were ongoing to "save Sikhi from extinction" was extremely high.

Personally I am deeply disturbed by what I see happening in the Bhajanist movement. In the field of teaching Kundalini Yoga the movement seems to be expanding exponentially. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but the "New Age People" (sorry, I can't think of a better term) to whom the Bhajanists are teaching this yoga are very open to and somewhat familiar with Hindu terminology and practices. Thus the Kundalini Yoga they teach veers more and more towards Hindu practices. The Bhajanist movement is becoming more and more Hindu like. Sadly no one amongst them seems to care.

Few Bhajanists have any idea of what sacrifices were made by those who went before to maintain the purity of Sikhi in the face of the relentless drive of certain factions amongst the Hindus to subsume Sikhi back into the relentless juggernaut of Hindutva. They don't care about the persecution, genocide and economic warfare pursued by the Indian Government against Sikhs in India.

Instead they have this arrogance that they have the "true path of Sikhi" and that the Punjabis will somehow have to follow along.

This kind of talk makes me very sad and I only see further misunderstanding and miscommunication in the future between Bhajanists and Punjabi origin Sikhs.

Vikram Singh

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