SikhNet's Top Ten violations of the Sikh Rehit Maryada in 2014!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Monday, December 29, 2014, 16:17 (3700 days ago)

During 2014, SikhNet has bragged of increasing its viewership and its base for donations by 300% but this compromise of Sikh values by SikhNet & its directors has further corrupted SikhNet in 2014 and caused an alarming increase in the commercialization of Yogi Bhajan’s twisted brand of Sikhi in order to cater to profiteering individuals and greedy organizations who want to line their pockets with dirty money from sales at their liquor stores and smoke shops.
Here is a list with links to Yogi Bhajan’s 3HO Foundation & SikhNet’s 2014 Top Ten violations of the Sikh Code of Conduct:
(1) In 2014 SikhNet encouraged Sikhs to drink beer & wine at a pub & cut their hair under the guise of an "interfaith Christmas celebration":
(2) In 2014 Mr SikhNet promoted & endorsed tantric yoga along with the "first Yogi Bhajan Kundalini yoga teacher's training in Amritsar, Punjab”!
(3) In 2014 SikhNet endorsed Hindu fire puja & Hinduvata Swami with connections to RSS at Yogi Bhajan Hollywood kundalini yoga studio of Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa! Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa of SikhNet states, “…there is nothing wrong with a Sikh participating in a sacred ceremony from any other religious tradition.”
(4) In 2014 SikhNet refused to respond to the fact that SikhNet’s master, Yogi Bhajan, received Hindu last rites performed by a Hinduvata Swami with connections to the RSS!
(5) In 2014 SikhNet promoted & endorsed worship of a golden idol of baba siri chand along with other stones & murtis!
(6) In 2014 SikhNet directors participated in the Worship of Yogi Bhajan like a “Guru” when they closed their “Khalsa Council” meetings by performing the “Tratakum meditation” of staring at Yogi Bhajan's tantric photo instead of closing their meeting with a typical bhog, ardas and vaak!
(7) In 2014 SikhNet promoted & endorsed long-time Yogi Bhajan followers turning their back on the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji & practicing yoga in the SikhNet Espanola Gurdwara during an entire 3HO Foundation tantric yoga video!
(8) In 2014 SikhNet promoted & endorsed expensive tantric Yogic stones & jewelry in the name of Sikhi!
(9) In 2014 SikhNet promoted & endorsed beadbi of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji & Gurbani when Guruka Singh of SikhNet proclaimed to keep Yogi Bhajan's fingernail clippings in his Nitnam as a magic talisman for protection!
(10) In 2014 SikhNet committed various miscellaneous violations of the SRM like; 3HO’s spiritual name request as just another $$$ making gimmick for Yogi Bhajan's kundalini yoga cult
SikhNet never responded in 2014 to “Assassination plot against Sant Bhindranwale Ji by Indira Gandhi & Yogi Bhajan uncovered!”
SikhNet never responded in 2014 to un Sikh like behavior of 3HO gora Sikhs dancing wildly displaying their uncovered hair:
SikhNet never responded in 2014 to accusations by many of Yogi Bhajan’s former yoga students that he slept with his female secretaries in the same room, raping them and abusing them:
SikhNet never responded in 2014 to accusations by many of Yogi Bhajan’s former yoga students that he committed various frauds and crimes along with his right-hand men:
SikhNet lied in 2014 about the true history behind 1970 Yatra (trip) to India & Yogi Bhajan's gora Sikhs!
In 2014 SikhNet opposes Sikhs, Sikh Rehit Maryada & Akal Takhat on Interfaith Anand Karaj !
In 2014 SikhNet receives thousands of dollars in grants from Yogi Bhajan’s Yogi Tea & Golden Temple foods which uses Gurbani and images of the Sikh Gurus for commercial profit!
In 2014 SikhNet signs legal court agreement to follow the Sikh religion only as taught by Yogi Bhajan!

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