Response to Mr. SikhNet 's (Gurumustuk Singh's) son concerning the corrupt morals at Miri Piri Academy.

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, July 09, 2015, 00:17 (3480 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Thursday, July 09, 2015, 20:07

Video gives verbal response from Gursant Singh:

Response to Mr. SikhNet 's (Gurumustuk Singh's) son concerning the corrupt morals at Miri Piri Academy. Did Yogi Bhajan groom the 3HO Foundation Sikh youth to become degenerate tantric yogis?

"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".

"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.

All Sikhs should write the Jathedar of the Akal Takht and let him know what these Yogi Bhajan cultists are up to. In addition all Sikhs should encourage the Jathedar to read "American yogis distort Sikh scripture"

Here is the e-mail address for the Akal-Takht office:
Write the Jathedar & make objections to the un Sikh like practices of the Yogi Bhajan followers.

The Lies & Warping of Sikhi by Yogi Bhajan's SikhNet, 3HO & Sikh Dharma International!

Mr SikhNet's twisted brand of Sikhi is protested by Sikhs who oppose Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga & Kundalini Research Institute!

My 30 years in the Yogi Bhajan 3HO kundalini yoga cult

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