Shiv Charan’s article is an insult to the life of the Sikh GURU, GURU HAR RAI SAHIB JEE who protected animals when Yogi Bhajan hoarded elephant tusks & ivory!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, July 09, 2015, 01:23 (3508 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Saturday, July 11, 2015, 18:19

Shiv Charan Singh’s endorsement of Yogi Bhajan's elephant graveyard & hoarding of elephant tusks & ivory which defiles the darbar of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with symbols of suffering & death is the height of hypocrisy in light of Shiv Charan’s article he just wrote about the life of the Sikh GURU, GURU HAR RAI SAHIB JEE who exhibited a deep desire to Protect Animals & the Environment! Why is Yogi Bhajan's greed for ivory at the expense of the suffering & death of elephants being sanctioned by SikhNet & Sikh Dharma International when the life of the Sikh GURU, GURU HAR RAI SAHIB JEE exhibited a deep desire to Protect Animals & the Environment?


Yogi Bhajan's Elephant Graveyard needs an "Ivory Crush Day"

Yogi Bhajan adorned his private Gurdwara with full size elephant tusks which represent objects of death & encourage illegal elephant pouching! Here is a video showing the elephant tusks at Yogi Bhajan ranch at Hacienda De Guru Ram Das, Espanola

Why is Yogi Bhajan's Elephant Graveyard & hoarding of elephant tusks & ivory being endorsed by SikhNet & Sikh Dharma International when the life of the Sikh GURU, GURU HAR RAI SAHIB JEE exhibited a deep desire to Protect Animals & the Environment. As a young child Guru Sahib was running in the flower garden at Kiratpur Sahib. He was wearing a baggy cloak (Chola). While running the cloak he brushed passed some flowers, thus the flowers were damaged. With love and compassion, Guru Hargobind Sahib jee, the seventh Guru's grandfather, explained: "Always walk and move with care. Look after and manage your cloak and ensure that it doesn't hurt or damage anything in its path." Guru Hargobind Sahib jee taught his grandson that "one should watch how one walks" and work on oneself. Guru Sahib promised his grandfather, that he would in the future be careful in his responsibilities towards man, animals and plants. Boundless compassion and charity were reflected in all his actions and dealings with others throught Guru Sahib's life.

Protection of Animals & Environment
Guru Sahib founded free hospitals, herbal medical clinics, animal sanctuaries and beautiful gardens. Guru Har Rai Sahib jee developed Kiratpur sahib as a town of parks and gardens. Located on the banks of tributary of the Sutlej, he planted flowers and fruit bearing trees all over the area. This created a salubrious environment, attracting beautiful birds to the town and turning it into an idyllic place to live in. The Guru would go hunting; capturing animals he would care for them and give them treatment. When the animals were healthy and fit they would be released into the animal sanctuary or wild.

Yogi Bhajan's Elephant Graveyard demands #IvoryCrush day! Yogi Bhajan hoarded ivory tusks & ivory figurines in the thousands and now the world demands that Yogi Bhajan's estate destroy these objects of death!

Yogi Bhajan's estate which is handled by 3HO Foundation, needs to have an #IvoryCrush Day like the one in Times Square on Friday. The Yogi Bhajan people need to urgently crush Yogi Bhajan's hoard of Elephant tusks and ivory figurines ASAP in order to show solidarity with the worldwide community that wants to stop the global ivory market which is responsible for the death of some 30,000 elephants a year across Africa. That’s one elephant every 15 minutes, just for their tusks!

Ivory crushes put poaching syndicates on notice: We will not accept the mass slaughter of wildlife and the trade in body parts and organs for profit.

The United States destroyed approximately one ton of confiscated illegal ivory, representing an estimated 60 elephants. The message was this: We will crush this trade, which is slaughtering elephants around the world, and the profits of the poachers and traffickers along with it.

The global ivory market is responsible for the death of some 30,000 elephants a year across Africa. That’s one elephant every 15 minutes, just for their tusks. While it is true that most ivory processing (carving and other treatments) and consumer sales take place in Asia, it is no longer tenable for the United States to point a finger at China even as homegrown illegal markets persist in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Technically, old ivory is allowed; new ivory is not. But it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between legal ivory acquired before the CITES ban in 1989 and the tusks of elephants killed by criminal syndicates that now dominate the illegal ivory trade. So it is essential that all confiscated ivory be destroyed and domestic ivory markets closed.

Yogi Bhajan's Elephant Graveyard!

I just saw these photos of the huge ivory Elephant tusks Yogi Bhajan adorned his private Gurdwara with Hacienda De Guru Ram Das, Espanola and it reminded me of how Yogi Bhajan tried to buy as much ivory as he could in the mid 80's before it became illegal to buy and sell the tusks of elephants, In fact YB commanded me to buy and gift to him a $3,000 ivory chess set at the LA convention center gem show around 1985. I was happy to do this for YB at the time but I came to realize what a master of lies and greed Yogi Bhajan's hoarding of dead animal parts represented.

My 30 years in the Yogi Bhajan 3HO kundalini yoga cult

Somebody says in the comments under the Ivory elephant tusk photos: "I believe the tusks are very, very old and were probably a gift from someone important. It is important to note that this Gurdwara is the one at the personal residence of Yogi Ji, not the very large one at Guru Ram Dass Ashram in Espanola, so this place is rarely open to visitors and it is even more rarely photographed. The staff on duty was generous enough to make a small exception that day. Oh, and also the late Yogi Bhajan was a former customs official so I'm pretty sure he received them in the right way. His grave reads: "Born at Zero, Died at One".

Yogi Bhajan's Elephant Graveyard is located in Espanola New Mexico as seen from space:

You can also view for yourself on Google Earth at these coordinates:

35 58 48.30" N 106 02 33.39" W
Siri Singh Sahib Lane Espanola New Mexico USA

I took a walk around Yogi Bhajan's 30 acre ranch where the Elephant tusks and possibly thousands of ivory figurines are stored away from the scrutiny of public view.

You can also view Yogi Bhajan's dera on Google Earth at these coordinates:
35 58 48.30" N 106 02 33.39" W
Siri Singh Sahib Lane Espanola New Mexico USA

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