Sakhi from the life of Guru Ram Das ji proves that Yogi Bhajan's Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma lied when they said "Guru Ram Das Ji held the throne of yoga"

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, July 23, 2015, 16:05 (3494 days ago)

Sakhi from the life of Guru Ram Das ji proves that Yogi Bhajan's Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma lied when they said "Guru Ram Das Ji held the throne of yoga"

#WakeupSikhs : Yogi Bhajan's Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma falsely states that "Guru Ram Das Ji held the throne of yoga." These lies are misleading western yoga students into occult shiv / shakti tantric & kundalini yoga! Sikhs have a duty to warn Yogi Bhajan's disciples about the dangers of these occult practices which were condemned by the Sikh Gurus!

The writings of Macauliffe provide the most authoritative English narrative about lives of the Guru Sahiban. They are translated directly from the Janam Sakhis and were checked thoroughly by the leading Sikh Scholars of the time. They are about as good as it gets – in English.
Let me then submit this sakhi from the life of Guru Ram Das ji. Bear in mind that Guru Ram Das ji has been glorified by YB and the Bhajanists to a position that essentially ignores all the other Guru Sahiban. He is supposedly the direct link to YB and all his students, especially those who teach yoga. There is supposedly a “Golden Chain” coming from Guru Ram Das ji that affects everyone who teaches YB’s Yoga.
In addition, Guru Ram Das – according to the Bhajanists – occupies the “throne of Raja Yoga”, the Hindu yoga of Patanjali. This yoga has eight limbs and I mention that because it occurs in the sakhi.
So here the sakhi, the story if you will, of Guru Ram Das ji and the yogis. I have rewritten the Victorian text to some degree in modern, American English, but I have stuck as close to the original text as possible.
A group of Yogis with their mahant went to test Guru Ram Das. They said:
“Oh great king, your Sikhs do not practice Yoga with its eight limbs. Without doing so the mind is never at peace, Until the mind is at peace, God is not obtained; until God is obtained salvation is impossible; and until salvation is obtained the soul wanders through the eighty-four lakhs of existences. O Guru, how can your Sikhs obtain salvation? What advantage do they gain by serving you?”
The Guru replied:
“As the teats on a goat's neck yield no milk, so Yoga without piety yields no advantage. My Sikhs are family men, and may obtain salvation by remaining as such. It would be impossible for them to practice Yoga. The best means of practicing Yoga is the repetition of the Name. The Name is implanted in the hearts .of Sikhs, and they repeat it day and night.
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"The Sikh Gurus ask Sikhs to shun the very presence & association of Shakti-Cult Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses which are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. ." Dr. Trilochan Singh " Sikhism and Tantric Yoga "

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