Sikhnet Sikhs and their Sacrilegious practices

by S. Singh, Monday, May 17, 2010, 13:48 (5359 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Monday, June 13, 2011, 08:24

Article taken from

Note: It was brought to my attention that this article which is searingly critical of White Sikhs (also called Gora Sikhs) was unfair in that it constituted, in part, a personal attack. Now my intention is simply to stop the inoculation of Sikhism by the Paganism and idolatry of Hinduism. I consider paganism and idolatry to be odious. I am appreciative that not all White Sikhs are Dasam Granth followers and that many of them are very sincere in their adoration of Sikhism. I respect their love for Sikhi. However White Sikhs who follow the 3HO and Sikhnet Sikhs are seriously mistaken in their belief that the version of Sikhism pandered on constitutes genuine and authentic Sikhism. They are being mislead in their interpretation of Sikhism. I am aware that agent provacateurs are deliberately misguiding them in order to poison the roots of Sikhism and prevent it’s germination in the Occident. As I have indicated in the Postlogue to this article, Sikhism is finished in India and and among Indian Sikhs. The only issue remaining is it’s regenesis in the Occident.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”

The Western reader can understand better what I mean if he understands Tantra in terms of Marlowe’s or Goethe’s Faust. Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth and still carries with him considerable sense of belonging to the Sikh Faith. But I have come to the conclusion that he is a Faustian character without the intellectual and Occult equipment of Dr. Faust, nor perhaps does he have Faust’s courage to retrace his steps. Ever since he has started proclaiming in speech and writings that he has done more than Guru Gobind Singh could do, and that Guru Gobind Singh has wrongly planted the seed of the Khalsa which he is trying to correct, he seems to have lost his mental balance. These are sacrilegious statements which no Sikh on earth can ever tolerate.

- Dr. Trilochan Singh, from the book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga

The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available on the website: This website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult for nearly 20 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. Aside from being rendered in beautiful prose, it is patently the work of an intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism.

Gursant Singh’s website is a must visit.

An article: From The Bhagawat Gita To The Dasam Granth ( which is a virulently Anti-Sikh screed published on the website: caused me to examine this website. This is a website which is operated by white Sikhs. The appearance of this ferociously Anti-Sikh article and the support accorded to dasam granth supporters (some of whom are paid agents engaging in psyops against Sikhs) on this website led me to examine this variation of “White Sikhs“. These people are idolators and dasam granth supporters and their website contains numerous approving references to the Dasam Granth.

This post therefore examines the White Sikhs. The article itself will be put under the electron microscope in a subsequent article.

The White Deceivers
I examined these “Sikhnet Sikhs” to get some idea about the authenticity of their religious beliefs and their ideology.

Note: Not every White Sikh is affiliated with them or follows their invented ahistorical practises. Many new Sikhs are very well educated and have an acute understanding of the role of historical revisionism and falsification in the creation and perpetuation of religious mythology.

The Population:

There appear to be about 7,000 white Sikhs in the United States. They are centered in the State of New Mexico. Their virtual footprint appears to be a magnitude larger than their actual numbers due to their dis-proportionate presence on the Web. Most of them appear to be middle-aged and it is not clear that they will be able to propagate or expand. They may simply fade to black with the effluxion of time.

The Origins
The White Sikhs were lead into Sikhism by one Yogi Bhajan in the 1970s. The vehicle by which this was accomplished was Yoga. Yogi Bhajan had a controversial life both sexually and in terms of his interpretation of Sikhism. The main objection is that he very cleverly miscegnated Sikhism with Hinduism in order to package a product which could be sold to American Hippies. The website which is run by Gursant Singh, a White Sikh who has left the cult, contains devastating insider information about the idolatry and cult practises of this group. This White Sikh travelled the full nine yards, studied the religion seriously and stayed in India and then came to the realization that what was being packaged and sold by White Sikhnetters was not the real McCoy. This gent understands real Sikhi.

Here are the principle objections in brief:

(i) promotion of idol worship and idolatry in a very strictly monotheistic religion

(ii) Promotion of Yoga – a central artifact of the Hindu religion

(iii) promotion of tantric sexual practises in a religion which places a high value on the family.

(iv) Promotion of Saints (Sants) and an assortment of jackasses in a religion which strictly prohibits interlocutors between a Sikh and his communion in God

(v) On-going attempts to establish a priesthood, Saints and persons of authority in a religion which specifically prohibits the formation of a priesthood.

(vi) Giving themselves self-aggrandizing titles when they simply do not understand the religion

(vii) Not even a glimmer of understanding of the meaning of the Khalsa Knighthood and the Warrior ethos of the Khalsa

(viii) Complete subservience to false worldly material power and Oppressors in a religion which is very defiant in it’s opposition to tyranny and insists that the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib – The Respected Mark Of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists and tyrants temporarily inhabiting the material world.

(ix) refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue with mainstream Sikhs so that they can learn more and become wiser.

(x) No knowledge about authentic Sikh History. (It is impossible to understand the Sikh Religion without understanding it’s long political history)

Yogic Practises
A central feature about White Sikhs (3HO and Sikhnet Sikhs) is the practise of Yoga. Mainstream Sikhs are very antagonistic about Yoga and very rightly so. Yoga is a central artifact of Hinduism. The foundational principle of Yoga is that God can be realized by following Yogic practises. In conformance with this theory there is a rigid hierarchy of Yoga ascension. Now, Sikhism completely disavows the utility of this practise and only very recently have instances been found of Sikhs practising Yoga. Sikhs in the the place of the origin of Sikhism have never practised Yoga EVER.

Here are the plain reasons why Yoga is disavowed by Sikhs. Firstly the fundamental principle of Sikhism is that the Guru Granth Sahib constitutes the revealed word of God as uttered through various authentic saints. Therefore Sikhs are obliged to read and understand the Guru Granth Sahib and are by implication enjoined not to follow any other religious book or practise (including the so-called Dasam Granth). Guru Ram Dass was ordered by the Emperor Jahangir to write verses in the Sikh Holy Scripture extolling the virtues of Prophet Mohammed. The answer given by Guru Ram Dass was that this was not possible since the Sri Guru Granth Sahib was not an ordinary book or a collection of pretty poetry; but the word of God revealed through various saints and sages. It was Dhur Ki Bani (“The Word That Has Come From Far Away).

Secondly Sikhism asserts that God is essentially unknowable and hence it is a wasted endeavor to embark on any system of austerities, penances, pilgrimages, fasts or yogas to obtain knowledge of God. Such endeavors are the realm of charlatans who make their livelihood off the mystification of religion. In particular, Sikhism completely disavows that knowledge of God can be obtained by ascending a hierarchy of Yoga practises. It’s all hogwash.

Sikhism does not recognize the utility of obscure religious practises, yogic practises, pilgrimages, fasts, mutilations or other austerities. Sikhism does not sanctify or validate any practise beyond contemplating on the Sikh Scriptures and engaging in Sewa (doing good deeds without any expectation of gain). One of the greatest heroes of the Sikh Nation was Banda Bahadur (The Magnificient Slave). When Guru Gobind Singh met Banda Bahudur deep in the jungles of Nandehr, Banda Bahadur was attempting to obtain redemption by following various esoteric Yogic practises. Guru Gobind Singh told Banda Bahadur that all of his practises and austerities would be off no avail whatsoever. Reputedly Guru Gobind Singh said “ Banda you have a long way to go, from Samarkhand (a distant city in Russia along the ancient Silk Road to China) to the domain of action“. So here it is in a nutshell, the Golden Rule Of Sikhism. Sikhs obtain redemption by contemplation on the Guru Granth Sahib and in the domain of action. This is the heatbeat of the Warrior Religion.

A corollary of the emphasis on yogic practises is the emergence of monasteries where adherents idle away their lives engaging in austeries and esoteric practises. Hence the prominence of monasteries and monastic institutions in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. Note that religious dogma in Buddhism and Hinduism explicitly endorses the utility of meditation and yogic practises and disavows the utility of helping fellow man (let the poor bastard work his karma out). There have been no monastic institutions in Sikhism.

SikhNet Sikhs : Cultism And Insularity
The Sikhs are famous for their hospitality and openness. Anyone is welcome in a Sikh Place of worship and the free kitchen in Sikh places of worship is often open day and night. And you won’t get lectured on becoming a Sikh. There are historical reasons for this. Sikhi is a brotherhood and authentic Sikhi is very militantly a brotherhood. Sikhs do not have any enemity with anyone but they have a warrior’s obligation to stand up for the Right, the weak, the oppressed and the dispossessed. As a Sikh diaspora spreads worldwide in the wake of the 1984 genocide, the Sikhs are progressively engaging in mainstream society and giving their loyalty to their benefactors in many foreign lands. When the islamic invasions dislocated India, the river Sindhu became a de facto boundary between India and Islam. The Hindus refused to cross the river Sindhu to trade with muslims. Sikhs would openly ford the Sindhu and trade with muslims. Not only trading goods but exchanging ideas. The earliest Sikhs crossing the river Sindhu were horse traders. Sikhs have never been insular.

A key feature of cults is their self-imposed insularity. This is how a cult protects it’s fallible theology and ideology. In my examination of the Sikhnet Sikhs, I examined their Twitter accounts to get an idea about their insularity. As a statistical inference I determined that “Sikhnet Sikhs” do not subscribe to the twitter accounts of persons who are not “Sikhnet Sikhs”. In other words they are insular and not receptive to ideas outside their closed circle. They want to teach but are not open to be taught. I also found instances of censorship on one of their forums. Not pretty. Therefore they have an essential pre-requisite for a cult – self imposed insularity. Of course, their conduct explicitly contradicts the openness which is very much a feature of Sikhi and the Global Virtual Sikh Nation.

The forum contains a serious indictment of 3HO Sikhs and Sikhs. The Gurmukhyoga forum is operated by Gursant Singh who was with this cult for nearly twenty years and thus has inside knowledge about their practises and the misinterpretation of Sikhism by them. Gursant Singh is a genuine White Sikh who has traveled the long and winding journey to discover authentic Sikhism. The forum: exposes the practises of this cult and in particular their persistent ongoing attempts to mystify and hinduize the Sikh Religion. The deliberate failure of the Sikhnet Sikhs and the 3HO Sikhs to debate the very serious issues raised on the forum and their belief that if they ignore the critique it will simply vanish into thin air is amply indicative of their self imposed insularity. Knowledge never fears debate. Are they trying to construct a new papacy?

Knowledge Of The Punjabi Language

It appears that the vast majority of Sikhnet Sikhs do not have a knowledge about the Punjabi language. I could not find any articles or postings in Punjabi. Therefore for the vast majority of Sikhnet Sikhs their knowledge of Sikhism is through hearsay. I speak six languages and so I am not particularly sympathetic to their illiteracy in the Punjabi language. Aside from negativing a genuine commitment to Sikhi, this illiteracy appears to be symptomatic of just plain laziness. A unique feature of the Punjabi script is that it was consciously designed by Guru Ram Dass to bring literacy to the masses. Guru Ram Dass consciously simplified the alphabet and grammar to make the language accessible to everybody. The script was purposely invented to make the divine word – The Guru Granth Sahib accessible to everybody. Therefore if you want to be a real Sikh you have to go the extra mile and learn the language.

The language is a snap to learn and can be mastered in six months. A weird aspect of the language is how easy it is to mix with other languages. Because of the way adjectives are placed and the manner in which verb conjugation occurs it is really easy to mix languages into Punjabi. You can use multiple languages in one sentence – which just shows how supple the grammar is. The Sikh Scripture itself , often mixes multiple languages in one sentence. ( And while I am on the Guru Granth Sahib, the scripture doesn’t really have a sentence structure; it would be more accurately described as a stream of consciousness). What is difficult to master is what is called “Thaith Punjabi“. This is the Punjabi spoken in the deep rural villages in the Punjab. This is a very quaint, medieval vernacular full of odd conjugation and it’s ferociously idiom-syncratic. I call it a language within a language or a language sub rosa. You can understand every word and still not understand the meaning of a sentence.

I did not find any indication that Sikhnet Sikhs have a university education. Of course if they had a University level education they would not disseminate the nonsense about bagawat gita which is alluded to above. These Sikhnet Sikhs would realize that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has completely discredited religions such as Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. How one can subscribe to any one of these religions and at the same time accord validity to Darwin is completely beyond my comprehension. This is why I call Sikhnet Sikhs, Fairylanders – they would rather believe fairy tales than Science. For the educated reader who is interested in Evolution I can do no better than to refer her or him to the wonderful book: The Discovery Of Evolution by David Young, Cambridge University Press. Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution is a radical invention, it represents one of those very rare instances where there is a paradigm shift in Science. Which merely goes to show that Darwin was a luminous genius. Now when the various merchants of the Fairyland Religions purveyed their utter nonesense about their religion and the story of creation, the theory of evolution was in the unimaginable realm and this is where these merchants made their fatal error when they falsely claimed the divinity of their religion. And what was the damnable cost of their claim of divinity. Let me be blunt? One and a half billion innocents murdered. About 500 million murdered by Islam, about 500 million murdered by Christianity and about 500 million sudras (untouchables) murdered by Hinduism. It’s called genocide.

By according credence to the bhagwat gita and the ramayana, the White Sikhnetters are validating the racialist caste system and the ongoing genocide of sudras that it precipitated and nay sanctioned. That intolerant system of differentiation based merely upon the vagaries of birth would have continued unabated if Islam had not invaded India. So two religions at polar opposites came to occupy the same space. The response of Islam to the inhuman Hindu caste system was given ever so eloquently by Poet Laureate, Mohammad Iqbal in his Persian composition: Shikwah (The Complaint):

There were Sultans and there were slaves
But when they prayed under the shadow of swords they were one

Now that is something for the bhugwat gita boys to mull over as they dance in Fairyland.

In summation the dissemination of the article on the bhagawat gita in indicates the superstitious and uneducated nature of The Fairylanders.

The Warrior Ethos
I did not find any true articulation of an authentic Sikh Warrior ethos on their Sikhnet Site. This foundational idea that salvation is obtained in the domain of action is a bedrock principle of authentic Sikhism and the warrior ethos is the natural personification of the principle. There is a fake warrior ethos perpetuated on the Sikhnet website but it is mere mysticism and it is devoid of any ideological understanding that the Khalsa was created to fight tyranny and create the Equalitarian Commonwealth envisioned by Guru Gobind Singh.

A very strong thread running through Sikhism since it’s very inception has been it’s objection and resistance to tyranny. Sikhism is very much a religion for the weak, poor, oppressed and deprived people of this earth. It does not teach them to bear their bad karma or bad rulers (as in the Bible, Romans X) and patiently wait for their pie in the Sky. Sikhi enjoins Sikhs and in fact requires them to stand up for the oppressed and subjugated people (regardless of their religion). Guru Gobind Singh, the Master Of The Falcons, put it aptly in a prayer: O’ Lord Grant Me This One Boon That When My Time Comes To Die May I Die Fighting On The Battlefield. On the Sikhnet website you will find nary a word about the leadership role which Sikhs are required to take on these matters.

In the age of Orwell, the warrior ethos still survives among Sikhs and is part of their folklore. Two examples: On a visit to the Punjab, I met an old lady in a village who was in her eighties. She told me: “goli chaldi rahni chahidi hai (the bullets should keep on raining)” – this old lady knows a thing or two about tyranny. I have never met an “elderly” Christian woman or a Muslim woman articulate at this level. This simple sentence is an articulation of the warrior ethos. In a conversation with an “elderly” Sikh about Sikhism, the old gentleman had a lot of trouble understanding what a moderate Sikh was. He seemed to believe that being a Sikh and being moderate was an impossible contradiction, an oxymoron.

The impression I got from their Sikhnet website was that they are heavily into feeling good. They have converted Sikhism into a feel good, mantra chanting religion. Which when you think about it, is quite an amazing feat. In this respect Sikhnetters are quite a bit like Occidental Buddhists. In the Occident, Buddhism has become the plaything of the idle rich, middle class who are bored with their lives. It’s just a meaningless pass time vocation.

I did not find any critical commentary on about the prevailing tyranny and injustice in the world. Complete silence. This is repugnantly anti-Sikh.

Knowledge Of Authentic Sikh History
Sikhism can only be understood in the context of it’s history. It is impossible to be drenched in the religion otherwise. This is the most important tool in understanding Sikhism after the Guru Granth Sahib. Authentic Sikh history is the practical demonstration of the Sikh Religion. It is the crucible which has validated the practical utility of the religion. Sikhism is dying in India because Sikhs no longer tap into the vein of Sikh History. The articulation of mythology is replacing Sikh History as the fount of knowledge and wisdom.

The authentic books on Sikhism do not have ISBN numbers and cannot be procured on Amazon. Go to Mai Sewan Bazaar in Amritsar for your supply or visit a genuine Sikh bookstore. Look particularly for books published before 1949 (these books are regularly reproduced). Do not read a book by a Hindu author.

Grade Given: Zero, Zilch, nada. I could find no instance on this website where deep knowledge of Sikh history was demonstrated.

Attitudes About Age
I found an interesting anomaly on their website. A video indirectly bemoaning old age. This is amusing. Sikhism is a very interesting religion especially when you become steeped in it’s authentic history which is being deliberately mystified and reconstructed. You see, true Sikhs do not differentiate on the basis of caste, color, creed or gender. But more interestingly Sikhs do not have the conventional perceptions about age and aging. This is a corollary to the fact that true Sikhs do not differentiate between life and death and in fact when a Sikh is baptised he drinks death. When one travels through the Deep Sikh Punjab which is the heartland of Sikhism, untouched by other religions and state interference and statist mind-control television, one is struck by the lack of differentiation based on age. “Old people” do not feel they are old in the way Occidentals do. In a way it is as if there is only one age for all. Of course the pages of authentic Sikh History are littered with heroic grey bearded Knights, many over the age of 70 years. I haven’t observed this aspect of chivalry in any other people. Which just goes to show you that real Sikhi is a rare jewel indeed.

And finally another vignette, when you travel through the Deep Sikh Punjab there is only one grammatical verb tense for gender. Both males and females address themselves in the masculine tense. Sadly, it’s all disappearing of course as the Bollywood moneylenders with their Ganesha statutes go into total control mode with a healthy dollop of life threatening usury. And they are not a very charitable and pleasant lot unless you happen to have the good karma of being born into their god-ordained caste. Chew on this you White Sikhneters who love the dasam grunt.

Visiting Other Places Of Worship
I found a comment about visiting a Hindu temple in South India in one of the Sikhnet blogs. I found this to be laughably sad. It demonstrates absolutely no knowledge about the ideology of the Khalsa Knighthood. The Khalsa respects all religions but it does not enter the places of worship of other religions. The Khalsa will prostrate itself only to the Guru Granth Sahib. This is where knowledge of authentic Sikh History becomes an essential prerequisite to virtuous action.


The Sikh Religion unambiguously proscribes idolatry and idolatrous practises. This is one of the great cardinal principles of the religion. Sikhism completely disavows that God has ever incarnated on earth or assumed human or any other form. Sikhism very unequivocally asserts that God does NOT have any anthropomorphic characteristics. For a Sikh to assert otherwise is supremely heretical. Now let me be very blunt, the Dasam Granth is a supremely heretical text that stands in direct contraposition to the Guru Granth Sahib. It vain glorifies Hindu gods and goddesses and their incarnations on earth. It is also a profane, vulgar and sexually perverted text which contains writings which exhibit extreme hatred for females. It is a Hindu text authored by unknown Hindu authors. That is the short and simple of it. There is not an iota of proof that any of the events mentioned in the Ramayana , Mahabharata or the dasam granth (with the exception of the Battle Of Bhangani Sahib; which is grossly misrepresented) have ever occurred. It is just a bunch of concocted nonsense and mystification. The Dasam Granth simply represents the attempt by Hindu Authors to misappropriate the Sikh Religion. I have no hesitation in labelling White Sikhnet Sikhs as heretics by virtue of their support of the dasam granth and by logical implication the idolatry in the book. I have also found other instances of idolatry on their web site. Sikhs should be under no illusion that these Sikhnetters are idolators. And frankly, in my world there absolutely nothing more contemptible than an idolator.

The Article Itself

This post was precipitated by the article: From Bhagawat Gita To Dasam Granth which was published on Sikhnet. It’s a very clever piece of work weaving mythology and fact in a seamless manner. The author writing under a psuedonym of Nanak Singh Nishtar does not provide any bibliography or references. The name of the author is itself blasphemous since Sikhs are prohibited from naming themselves after Guru Nanak. The assumed name is a cheap propaganda stunt to lend credibility to a patently blasphemous article. The article is a provocative insult to the entire Sikh Nation. It should be noted that until very recently Sikhs out of respect never named their offspring Nanak, Gobind, or after the other Sikh Gurus or even Ranjit (after Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the Last Sikh Emperor). I guess when you are a fairylander you just invent your own traditions.

Sikhnet Dasam Granth Position

Sikhnetters are vocal supporters of the Dasam Granth. They are not intellectually receptive to a discussion about the authenticity of the text on the basis of accepted scientific canon. The website has reproduced a lot of mythological stories and fictions in an effort to legitimize the dasam grunt. The article which precipitated this analysis indicates the on-going effort to absorb Sikhism into Hinduism. It is a cunning piece of work skilfully designed to confuse the reader and lead him or her astray.

Let me be very blunt, in India and elsewhere a very deceitful way to make a living is to stand as an interlocutor between a person and his communion with God and once that status is obtained to keep the poor devotee in a complete state of mystification through esoteric practises. The dasam granth is that vile and profane object that interferes with a Sikhs direct communion with God. But for the interlocutor it is a gravy train.

I have observed and it is worth mentioning that Sikhnetters are intent on commercializing the religion. However Sikhs must understand that any financial contribution given to them is another nail in the coffin of the Sikh Religion. If you love Sikhi, please do not donate your hard earned money to these idolators.

A lesson worth bearing in mind is that though Buddhism originated in India and Prince Gautama Siddharta was a Hindu Prince, Buddhism was slowly strangled to death as it was absorbed into Hinduism – the boa constrictor of all religions. At one time it appeared that all of India would turn Buddhist – that was the time when Emperor Ashoka renounced Hinduism and adopted Buddhism. Stupas enunciating the laws of The Buddha were erected all over India by King Ashoka. There were over 1300 Buddhist temples in The Punjaub alone at this time. But the entrenched caste elites in Hinduism correctly perceived the threat posed by the casteless, equalitarianism of Buddhism and snuffed out the religion. What saved Buddhism from complete extinction were the few brave monks who crossed the Himalayas into China carrying with them the sermons of The Buddha. The rest was History as Buddhism spread like a wild-fire through China into Japan. Interestingly enough, Buddhists did not consider Buddhism to be a religion but a Science and the early Buddhist texts unreservedly disavowed that it was a religion. That was their perception about the internal consistency of Buddhism. But Hinduism pragmatically imbued with maintaining a rigid social order, worldly privileges and viewing egalitarianism as a deadly enemy, strangulated the babe. How? Simple: The Boa Constrictor Strategem

Cardinal Principles Of The Boa Constrictor Strategem

Hinduism used the boa constrictor strategem with stunning success to annihilate Buddhism in India. Buddhism was a very dangerous enemy of Hinduism since if it was left unchecked, it would have overran India. It was and is theologically superior to Hinduism.

Here are the principles of this strategem:

1. Playful Strangulation in stages – surround, absorb, annihilate.

2. Reconstruct History

3. Rely on Mythology And Ritual to keep people in fear and ignorance

4. Control the levers of worldly power

5. Interfere with the doctrines of the enemy religions

Are These White Sikhnetters Any Good?

NOT AT ALL. The support of the dasam grunt by these Fairylanders is unforgiveable. They mix Hinduism with Sikhism and consequently promote a bastardized version of Sikhi. At a time of great gravity when the Sikh Lion lies mortally wounded, Sikhnetters are actively aiding and abetting in the destruction of Authentic Sikhi. And as I have previously indicated, Sikhnetters are falsely asserting the divinity of another religion which has been completely and irrefutably contradicted by Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution.


One would have hoped that a race of Prince Valiants would have arisen to defend the mortally wounded Sikh Lion but what has been conjured up is a babbling gaggle of elliptical, hinduized tantric weirdos who are heavily into feeling good and worshipping all types of weirdo mythological gods.

The only real issue is how the Sikhi of Slave Nanak can spread in The Occident. Like Buddhism, the Sikhi Of Slave Nanak is finished in India.

For Americans, Englanders and other Whites who wish to explore genuine Sikhi and perhaps become Sikhs I shall provide a simple and direct blueprint (if the demand is there).

How To Absorb Sikhi: Tools Guide
Picture Tools:
The Fairylanders
Goddess Durga Of Dasam Grunt Launches An All Out Attack
Idolatry Tools:

3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39
[image] [image]

Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.
[image] [image]
Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.


[image] [image] [image]
Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39
[image] [image]
Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara.

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing masks in the above photo?)

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola?


Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:

These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

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"However their are several instances which I find questionable about Yogi Bhajan. One includes the relationship they had with Jagjit Naamdhari (, and the other about an occurance that occured in the late 70's between Yogi and AKJ, where Yogi criticized Jatha for trying to "steal" members, but I have little to substantiate that claim, so its fair to dismiss it for now. Also listening to the lectures/Katha of Yogi some teachings I also find a bit of from what I have learned about Sikhi, but then again that could just be a difference in opinion."

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."
“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing masks in the above photo?)

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
[image] [image]


3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

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Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
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Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.


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Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.

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